KyberVALIOT (CyberELITE) project focused on business opportunities and cybersecurity threats due to the digitalization of manufacturing industry.
The project is finished.
KyberVALIOT (CyberELITE) project focuses on business opportunities and cybersecurity threats due to the digitalization of manufacturing industry. Starting point for the project is EU-level preparation for Cybersecurity act, which aims to improve and guarantee the cybersecurity and reliability of SME companies. Another starting point are cybersecurity testing needs reported by companies. The strategies of Councils of South-West and South-East Finland emphasize digitalization, renewal of manufacturing industry and cybersecurity as main goals.
The project will develop regional innovation platforms, which consist of IoT cybersecurity laboratory activities, processes, and connections to external actors. The focus for the innovation platform are manufacturing industry and secure IoT devices as a part of service production. The goal is to create ecosystem able to support IoT business development especially for SME sector.
Implementation of the project has three main directions
• Cybersecurity test laboratory in Salo IoT Campus
• Virtual laboratory hosted on Kotka CyberLab datacenter
• Cybersecurity service productization

More information
William Paavolainen
Project manager
044 702 8363