Kestävän kampusliikkumisen syysakatemia ja hackathon

Tapahtuma järjestetään osana Euroopan liikkujan viikon ohjelmaa ja tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoisuutta, edistää keskusteluja kestävästä ja älykkäästä kampusliikkumisesta ja logistiikasta.

Akatemia toimii tiedonvaihdon, yhteistyön, innovoinnin katalysaattorina, edistäen kestävän ja älykkään kampusliikkumisen kehittämistä Itämeren alueella.

Programme for the Academy 

Monday 16.9. 


Welcoming words, Olli-Pekka Brunila, Director of Education, Logistics and Marine technology

  • Keynote presentations
  • Sustainable campus mobility hackathon for students
  • Networking
  • Dinner

Tuesday 17.9. (partly online)


  • Sustainable campus mobility hackathon for students continues

Sustainable Campus Mobility and Logistics – Onlinetalk 

11:00-11:45 (10:00-10:45, CET) Talk 1 “Shared campus mobility and logistics”


Prof. Dr. Christian Rudolph, Head of the BMDV Endowed Chair of Cycling in Intermodal Transport Networks, TH Wildau

Karl Reiter, Institute for Transport Education Graz

Vappu-Kunnaala Hyrkki, Sustainability Coordinator, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Ville Henttu, Research Director, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Johanna Schelle, Project Manager Bicycle Parking Information Centre, Deutsche Bahn


12:00-12:45 (11:00-11.45, CET) Talk 2 “Cargo bikes and circularity”  


Jap Kellner, Velo Lab

Björn Fischer, tricargo

Felix Dossmann, SV Gruppe


13:00-13.45 (12:00-12:45, CET) Talk 3 “The future of sustainable campus mobility including the presentation of the latest survey results collected jointly by different universities in Europe”


Prof. Dr. Christian Grotemeier, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Simone Neumann, University Hamburg

Dr.-Ing. Tom Assmann, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Ruth Hosek, Queen`s University, Kingston, Canada

Vappu-Kunnaala Hyrkki, Sustainability Coordinator, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Ville Henttu, Research Director, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences


The online talks will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Sven Hermann, NBS Northern Business School

Wednesday 18.9.

  • Results of the hackathon

Details of the program will be updated

Purpose of the Academy

Organizing the 3-day Academy during European Mobility Week is an international joint initiative to raise awareness and to promote discussions on sustainable and smart campus logistics.

The Academy serves as a catalyst for knowledge exchange, collaboration, innovation, and action planning, contributing to the advancement of sustainable and smart campus mobility logistics in the Baltic Sea region.

Target groups 

The Academy is targeted to the students and staff at Xamk and NBS Hamburg. Few other universities and secondary schools are invited to participate the Academy activities, either on the spot in Finland or online.

We can accept 10–12 students from partner institutions into the academy, and their travel, accommodation, and meals will be covered. Interested students, please fill out the registration form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible. Xamk students, please also fill out the registration form. We hope for multidisciplinary participation in the hackathon.

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and NBS Northern Business School Hamburg have prepared International Autumn Academy “Sustainable Campus Mobility and Logistics” as part of the European Mobility Week 16-22 September 2024.

Xamk Logistics and seafaring RDI is responsible of activities in Kotka.

Contact person:

Tiina Poikolainen, Research Manager, Logistics and Seafaring