Xamk participates in developing a new European University

The objective behind the creation of the INGENIUM Alliance was to improve cooperation between higher education institutions and to create a European University that has 10 campuses in different parts of Europe. The aim of the Alliance is to renew the study selection of higher education institutions by creating possibilities for more open degrees, where students can modify their curricula. The central focus areas of the Alliance for the next few years are pedagogical innovativeness, sense of community, sustainable development, and entrepreneurship.

The funding from the European Commission will be used to improve cooperation within the Alliance and the development of the European University, to develop high-level education, research, and innovation activities, to find solutions to societal challenges in Europe through cooperation with local actors, and to improve the mobility of students and employees.

The INGENIUM Alliance consists of higher education institutions from ten European countries: Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Sweden, Greece, Romania, Ireland, Finland, and France.

There is much competition for the funding, and the European Commission has ambitious goals for European Universities. Both new and already existing alliances received funding in the third call. Out of a total of 52 applications, there were 16 existing and four new alliances that received funding. Five Finnish universities of applied sciences have received funding. Of these, Xamk and Savonia received funding this year, and Karelia, Haaga-Helia, and Hamk have received funding previously.

“Cooperation within the INGENIUM Alliance supports the already ongoing development of degree programmes at Xamk. With the cooperation, we have the possibility to build the future of European higher education, which serves the needs of students, research, and our fields even better than before.” says Eeva Kuoppala, Director of Education Administration at Xamk.

The INGENIUM Alliance’s application for funding received top marks in the evaluation.

The INGENIUM Alliance consists of the following higher education institutions:

University of Oviedo (ES) (coordinator)
the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (DE)​
the University ”G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti – Pescara (IT)​
the Medical University of Sofia (BG)​
the University of Crete (GR)​
the University of Skövde (SE)​
the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (RO)​
the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (FI)​
the University of Rouen-Normandy (FR) ​
the Munster Technological University (IE)​

More information:
Eeva Kuoppala
Director of Education Administ, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Erasmus+ (europa.eu)

European Universities

European University INGENIUM

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