Xamk graduates are satisfied with their degree

Career monitoring survey at universities of applied sciences is carried out for those who have completed a Bacherlor’s or Master’s degree five years earlier. The purpose of the career monitoring survey is to find out the work careers of the graduates, their situation in the work life and satisfaction with the degree they completed. The national survey was carried out now for the fifth time, and it was answered by those who graduated in 2017. 513 Xamk graduates responded to the survey. The largest number of respondents were from the health and wellness sector, 222 people. There were 54 respondents who completed the Master’s degree.

The degrees are well-known in working life

According to the national career monitoring survey, Xamk graduates are satisfied with the degree they have completed. Satisfaction with the degree is at the level of the national average (4.6). The majority (87%) of respondents are very satisfied, satisfied or fairly satisfied with their degree.

81% of the respondents think that the degree they completed is well-known in working life (average 4.7). The majority (90%) are also satisfied with their career (average 4.7).

Xamk graduates are employded both locally and nationally

Of the respondents, 64% have been continuously employed and 79% work in the field corresponding to their degree. 76% have a permanent full-time job and 12% have a temporary employment relationship. 4% of respondents worked as entrepreneurs or professionals.

Both at the time of graduation and five years after, the respondents’ workplace is most often in Kymenlaakso-region, Southern Savonia or Uusimaa-region. Five years after graduation, the largest number of jobs are still located in these same provinces. Most of the migration has taken place to jobs located in Northern-Savonia and Pirkanmaa-region.

The degree has developed skills needed in working life

Most of the respondents (75%) felt that the degree provided them with sufficient skills for working life.

Respondents consider self-initiative and self-direction, independent working and time management, stress tolerance and adaptation to new situations, problem solving skills and the ability to learn and adopt new things to be the most important abilities needed in working life.

Xamk’s studies were felt to best develop the ability to learn and absorb new key terms, methods and principles of the field, initiative and self-direction, independent work and time management, and information management skills.

Studies at Xamk develop essential working life skills

The Master’s degree has postive effects on the working career

81% of the respondents who have completed the Master’s degree say that they got a new job and a higher salary thanks to the Master’s degree. The respondents think that the Master’s degree has strengthened their professional self-confidence and improved their position on the market of work life.

You can find more detailed information about the results of the career monitoring survey in Vipunen, where you can also view the answers by degree or by national education subclassification.

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