Xamk celebrates graduates on 30th May

Xamk organizes a graduation ceremony for all students who graduated during the early part of the year on Thursday, May 30th. The event will be held in a hybrid format, with a virtual celebration available for everyone to watch online, and graduates invited to celebrate their graduation in Kouvola at the Kohoa Synergy Center. The celebration starts at 3:00 PM and lasts about an hour. You can watch the broadcast at live.xamk.fi.

The ceremony will feature a speech by Xamk’s Principal, CEO Heikki Saastamoinen, a greeting from Katja Kalenius, the vitality developer of the Municipality of Mäntyharju, as well as greetings from graduates from all four of our campuses. The musical performance will be provided by Elias Kaskinen.

Xamk graduates professionals in various fields, who will be responsible for the operations and development of our society. A total of 982 experts have graduated from Xamk during the early part of the year.

“We congratulate each of our graduates. A higher education degree is something to be proud of. Your time as a student has certainly not been easy, the world has changed and been upended, and uncertainties have not been avoided, but here you are, ready to face working life. Most of the higher education graduates in our regions come from Xamk, and this is a great source of joy and pride for us. It is an honor to be involved in building the future of our regions and to educate skilled professionals for them,” commented principal and CEO Heikki Saastamoinen.

The names of the graduates are published monthly on Xamk’s website and provided to the media. Xamk organizes graduation ceremonies twice a year, either virtually or in a hybrid format, in the spring and at the end of the year. Scholarships for outstanding students are also awarded in connection with the ceremonies.

Graduates in January
Graduates in February
Graduates in March
Graduates in April
Graduates in May

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