Why study in Finland? Finnish institutions are well-respected in the global job market

Nearly all universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland are public institutions. This public model ensures that higher education remains accessible to all, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and continuous professional development. The government’s commitment to funding education at all levels underscores the societal value placed on education as a driver of personal and national growth.

Higher Education in Finland: Universities vs. Universities of Applied Sciences

Finnish higher education is divided into two main sectors: universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS). Both types of institutions are predominantly public and funded by the government, which ensures high standards and wide accessibility.

Finnish universities are research-oriented institutions that offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. They focus on theoretical instruction and scientific research.

In contrast, universities of applied sciences emphasize practical skills and applied research. They offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but doctoral studies are available too.

UAS institutions are designed to meet the needs of the labor market, providing hands-on education that prepares students for specific professions. The programs often include practical training and internships, enabling students to gain real-world experience and skills that are directly applicable to their careers.

Academic Standards and Quality Assurance

Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences maintain high academic standards, supported by robust quality assurance mechanisms. These institutions are subject to regular evaluations by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC), ensuring that they meet the stringent criteria set by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

FINEEC awarded Xamk a quality label that is valid for six years. Xamk’s quality system meets the national criteria for quality management in higher education institutions and corresponds to the European quality management principles and guidelines.

Degrees are highly appreciated worldwide

The Finnish education system stands out for its focus on equality, quality, and practical application. Degrees from Finnish institutions are highly appreciated worldwide due to their high academic standards, innovative teaching methods, and comprehensive curriculum.

Finnish-educated professionals are well-equipped to excel in a diverse range of careers and contribute significantly to their fields, enhancing the global reputation of Finnish education.

Interested in studying with us?

  • If you want to study in English, there are several types of degrees to choose from. Xamk offers 8 bachelor’s that are taught in English and 2 master’s degrees that are taught in English and are open to international students.
  • If you are interested in studying in Finnish, you need to be fluent in the language already when applying for admission. Contact our Admission Services of your choice for further advice.

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