Winter in Finland.

Why choose Xamk?

Xamk offers you a journey of a lifetime. Read the top 5 reasons why you should study with us and choose Xamk as your perfect study destination.

Top 5 reasons to study with us!

1. Finnish education system is one of the best in the world

Finns are strong believers in equality and education. That is why Finland has a good education system with high standards and efficient quality assurance – this provides excellent opportunities for studying. In addition, we have very highly qualified teachers in Finland. At Xamk, we have top-class teachers who have years of expertise in their respective fields. 

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) awarded Xamk a quality label that is valid for six years. Xamk’s quality system meets the national criteria for quality management in higher education institutions and corresponds to the European quality management principles and guidelines.

2. Excellent programmes with working life orientation

Studies at a university of applied sciences (UAS) focus on professional and practical know-how and skills. The practical experience provided by UAS studies is highly appreciated in many jobs and duties.

Participation also in RDI (research, development and innovation) brings new dimensions to studies. You can gain experience in real research projects, challenge yourself to work like professionals and learn to identify what development requires.

Projects with working life orientation give a chance for networking. You can already contact your possible future employers.

One of Xamk’s primary ambitions is to foster entrepreneurship. For example, *ship Startup Festival supports the next generation of entrepreneurs.

3. Our campuses are located in beautiful Finnish towns close to nature

Xamk has campuses in four towns: Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli and Savonlinna. A campus that is well suited for its purpose, functional, pleasant and safe is the sum of many factors.

The range of services on our campus is wide: restaurants, cafés, libraries, indoor and outdoor sport and leisure facilities, as well as services to promote studying and student well-being. The learning environments – classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories, workshops – are modern and comfortable.

The nature is always close in our campus towns. Depending on the season, one can do different things: swim in a lake, hike, ski, canoe, ice fish, etc. Outdoor life and communing with nature are close to Finns’ hearts.

The housing situation in South-East Finland is good, compared to the situation in the Helsinki region or other similar European metropolises.The rental level is relatively low, and finding affordable accommodation is quite easy.

And if you wish to visit the capital of Finland, Helsinki, It takes 1,5 hours by car or bus from Kouvola to Helsinki.

Summer school students in Kotka

4. It’s your time to enjoy student life and create wonderful memories

Xamk is a community of over 11 000 student and staff members. A great reward for studying at Xamk is that we always provide potential opportunities such as networking with fellow students, staff and with local companies. We organize different events and online forums. We have lots of ideal projects and an active environment to participate and develop.

Student union Kaakko is an advocate of students at Xamk and their mission is to support you throughout your studies. At Xamk it’s your time to enjoy student life, create wonderful memories and shape the future as you wish. Student Union Kaakko organizes various sports and hobby events. We want to support and promote team spirit among students and staff and provide you the opportunity to have fun both on and off campus.

5. Responsibility is our strategic choice – we are committed to UN’S sustainable development goals

We work for tomorrow and we act responsibly. This means that we make sustainable choices every day. We also develop new, sustainable solutions in cooperation with our partners.

We systematically develop our campuses in accordance with the users’ needs. A safe and accessible work and study environment is the basic requirement. All campuses have restaurants eligible for the Finnish Swan ecolabel. All restaurants have responsibly produced local and organic food regularly on the menu. The restaurants favor batch cooking to reduce food waste.

Students at the restaurant

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