We offer quality programmes and courses

In his career, he has specialized in educational gaming solutions and education export as an entrepreneur and teacher. In India, he was launching educational products to over 200 top schools. Having worked for one Finnish university of applied sciences, he started working at Xamk late 2021.

“We offer quality degree programmes in a safe country with a good reputation. Our degree programmes and teaching compete with quality. In addition, here in Eastern Finland we have lack of employees so there are lots of opportunities for work, entrepreneurship and new regional development initiatives.”


Currently, Xamk offers a wide selection of international co-operation programmes and degree programmes in English. The international summer term was started as early as in the beginning of the 1990s.

“The international summer term offers 3-week intensive courses in English in various fields of study. It is a great way to get to know Finland and Xamk in the summertime.”

Today you can study, for example, B.Sc. degree programmes in environmental engineering, information technology, game design and wellbeing management in English.

“In our region there is constant shortage of professionals who could work in social, health and wellbeing sectors. Asian students are applying mostly for fields of technology. We can clearly see that our health studies interest African students. We have recently increased the number of study places for nursing programmes in English and will continue to do so.”

Koivisto wants to develop study programmes that offer not only credit units but also access to research and networks of Finnish professionals.

“There is a growing international demand for that. In addition, we offer an extensive selection of online studies. I think that when an option for live online communication is added, that really gives a wow effect. We are committed to offer all first-year students a calendar for studies and extensive support services for wellbeing for all.”

Some Xamk fields of study, like game design, are already very popular globally.

“I think that online studies can also inspire students in making a decision to move to Finland. An ideal could be a combination of a year studying online in one´s home country and then coming to study in Finland. We already offer such options.”


Koivisto continues to give lectures in entrepreneurship

“We try to create a two-way communication option for students in virtual spaces and use streaming options. In addition, there is a lot of digital material available for students. Being present to the students via different channels is something that we are proud of.”

He knows from his own experience that international students will pick up new learning skills at Xamk programmes. All degree programmes include opportunities to study abroad.

“Multicultural learning environment and working together with people from different cultures gives added value to our students. We encourage students to entrepreneurial attitude in study and life. Therefore, we offer a wide selection of courses related to entrepreneurship and developing potential start up ideas.”

Xamk is an abbreviation for South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. The emphasis in applied research is interwoven in everything that Xamk does.

“Offering our students opportunities to do applied research is something that we like to tell the world about. In many other countries educational institutions are just realizing the opportunities that linking studies and research brings. We have had wide co-operation programmes with world´s top 100 universities for many decades. We also have a long history related to applied research on globally relevant topics, such as environmental issues.”

Besides degree programmes, Xamk is piloting also formats for micro-length courses. In practice, students can attend a 12-hour on demand course to gain skills they need. Koivisto thinks this format would serve the needs of many companies.

“We are developing life-long learning options for various target groups. Our current selection of open university studies is already wider than the one that the University of Helsinki offers.”

The article was originally posted at Study at Xamk blog in 2022.

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