The European University INGENIUM’s event brings 150 international guests to Mikkeli

The international summit of the European University INGENIUM will be held at the Mikkeli campus from February 10–14, 2025. Students and staff from all partner universities will gather to work together, exchange ideas, and share best practices.

Showcasing advanced learning environments and methods

Xamk will present its learning and research environments at the open Education Lab Experience event on Monday 10.2. at 12:30–15:30 D-building lobby. Throughout the week, Xamk staff and students can also participate in various events. The Staff Academy workshops will showcase good pedagogical practices from INGENIUM universities. In the Junior School, pre-selected students will work on real-world development challenges in multidisciplinary and multinational teams throughout the week.

The themes of the February event include design thinking, entrepreneurial skills, social responsibility, student-centered learning, and blended learning methods. In addition to workshops, international guests will participate in team-building, outdoor activities, visits, and cultural events. A large number of Xamk staff and students are involved in the arrangements.

Xamk in the European University

Xamk is the only Finnish university involved in the European University INGENIUM, which started in 2023. The campuses of the other nine European universities in the network are located in Italy, Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, and Sweden.
INGENIUM is being built with four-year funding from the European Commission. Partner universities are jointly developing top-level education, joint studies, and research. The second five days of the 10 Days of INGENIUM event will take place immediately from February 17–24, 2025, in Spain, hosted by the University of Oviedo. Six master’s and two doctoral students, along with staff participating in work package meetings, will travel from Xamk.

More information about European University INGENIUM here.

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