“Tell Your Story – Build Tour Dream” Workshop Reflection

During my time as a volunteer for the 10 Days of INGENIUM event organized by Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, I had the opportunity to participate in various lectures and engage in discussions with many esteemed professors. One thing I particularly appreciated was their attitude towards us volunteers, as they openly conversed with us and exchanged different opinions.

One highlight of my involvement was participating in a presentation led by Principal Lecturer Mikhail Nemilentsev and Project Manager Riku Happonen from Xamk – South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. During this session, I was introduced to the “Tell Your Story” method, which deepened my understanding of teamwork, feedback, and problem-solving.
What is this method, you may be wondering? Let me break it down for you. We were divided into small teams and given three tasks designed to create bonds between individuals. First, we had two minutes to think about who we are, our backgrounds, and what we have accomplished in our careers. Then, we presented ourselves within the group, with the key task of determining who had the most interesting story. The chosen individual then shared their story with everyone, and the team with the best story won.

The second task prompted us to reflect on the purpose of what we had just done, where it could be useful, and what it required. To the first question, I would answer with points such as the bonding created between different individuals, learning from each other, and forming a tight-knit team. These are all crucial aspects in various environments such as work/school projects, where people do not know each other, during volunteering experiences, in class as some professors mentioned, or when choosing a team leader. Obviously, participating in this method requires confidence in yourself, courage, but also respect for each other.

The final task was to give each other feedback, both positive and negative, to learn more and create an even stronger bond. This experience provided me with a deeper appreciation for the perspectives of the professors I collaborated with. It was fascinating to see the different points of view and to develop my understanding of teamwork, feedback, and problem-solving further.
Universities like XAMK, which promote international recruitment, are key for our future as students. In many countries, it is harder to work because knowing the local language is often mandatory in most workplaces. This is a challenge I do not want to face as a future employee, as I aspire to have diverse work experiences abroad, and language barriers would be a significant obstacle.

Furthermore, international recruitment enriches the learning experience by bringing together students with different perspectives and ideas.

This diversity fosters a more dynamic and innovative academic environment, preparing students to navigate and succeed in a globalized workforce. It also enhances cultural understanding and cooperation, which are essential skills in today’s interconnected world.

Overall, my experience volunteering at the INGENIUM event and learning about the “Tell Your Story” method has underscored the value of international collaboration and the role of institutions like Xamk in promoting it. This volunteering experience was incredibly enriching, allowing me to expand my knowledge and skills while contributing to an engaging and educational event.

Feedback from volunteers

Miruna Madalina

Ingenium was an one of a kind event from my experience! When I first signed up as a volunteer I didn’t expect to be a part in an event such as this one! I only expected to help the participants and maybe have a talk with one another, but soon I realised it was more than that! All the ideas, all the speeches and all the interactive moments I had in those days were amazing! I learned thing I didn’t think were actually possible and I met such wonderful people I can’t describe! The Ingenium was a beautiful and above everything, teachful! I can’t wait to be a volunteer for this event again!

Boicu Teodor-Denis

When it comes to my experience as a volunteer for the 10 Days of Ingenium event, I can only say that I enjoyed it throughout, from meeting the different teachers and staff from the partner Universities and being able to have a nice chats about a variety of topics, all the way to meeting with the fellow students with who I had a wonderful time at the concerts and parties in the Campus.

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