The Library Services of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) offer services to Xamk students and staff in Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, and Savonlinna. Xamk libraries are also open to external customers.
To support learning.

Kaakkuri.finna.fi is Xamk’s library material search service. Kaakkuri contains instructions for using the library and its resources.

The libraries in Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, and Savonlinna. Contact information, opening hours, and library-specific services.

Tuudo library card for students, traditional library card, description of services, usage rules, price list, interlibrary loan service, training sessions, and much more.

Xamk’s printed materials, e-resources, and open e-resources. More information about material acquisitions.

Xamk’s open guides and instructional videos include topics such as information retrieval, using e-resources, and library services.

Inquire about our services or provide feedback, send an interlibrary loan request (individual customers), send an interlibrary loan request (libraries), and submit a material acquisition proposal.