Recognize the change

Whether it’s about developing innovations, strengthening staff expertise, or collaborating with students, we’re here to help. Explore our services in more detail and get in touch to find the solution that’s right for you!

Specialized expertise for companies and organizations

Choose the right tools for your needs

Gain a competitive edge with expert services
Develop your staff’s skills with training programs
Collaborate with our students

We ensure smooth collaboration

Skilled workforce to support your company's growth

Skilled workforce to support your company's growth

Finland's most modern research units and facilities

Finland's most modern research units and facilities

The continuous development of your staff's skills

The continuous development of your staff's skills

Did you know that you can become our core partner?

In Xamk’s core partnership model, the goal is long-term collaboration centered on creating value for both parties. We engage in continuous dialogue with our partners.

The partnership collaboration is comprehensive and systematic, aiming to create broad solutions that meet the company’s needs and to build new forms of cooperation between the parties, while anticipating future needs and developing shared solutions for them.

Partnership discussions begin with defining common goals and intentions between representatives of the partner organization and Xamk’s management and experts.

Latest developments in our collaboration with the working life

Get useful additional information about our activities and partnership collaboration

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Are you interested in collaboration?

Are you interested in developing innovations, strengthening the skills of your staff, or collaborating with our students? We can help! Fill out our online form and take the first step towards collaboration!