Responsibility programme
At Xamk, sustainable development and responsibility efforts are based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. According to an internal materiality assessment, the most significant Sustainable Development Goals for Xamk’s operations are: quality education; industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and sustainable cities and communities. However, we strive to support all 17 goals in our activities.
Xamk’s responsibility work is based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable Campuses and Responsible Operations

We develop our campuses and operations in the long term, following the principles of sustainable development. Our goal is that responsibility is present in the daily lives of our staff, students and cooperation partners on our campuses. At Xamk, the goal of environmental responsibility is to mitigate climate change and reduce the loss of biodiversity.
In environmental responsibility, every member of Xamk higher education institution community has an important role and everyone should pay attention to e.g., sustainable travelling, resource efficiency, waste management and other sustainable choices. Xamk measures its carbon footprint using the Arene carbon footprint calculator, which takes into account, among other things, energy consumption, procurement and travel. Xamk’s restaurant services monitor their own responsibility using their own metrics. Xamk offers its staff training and orientation to sustainable development. Responsibility has also been taken into account in travel and procurement guidelines.
Committed, Skilled and Participating Employees and Students

Students are satisfied and committed when their expectations related to their higher education institution are met. With the help of supervision of student interests and possibilities to influence, it is possible to increase student satisfaction.
We value development and participation. The goal is that our employees are satisfied, skilled and competent. The development of personnel competence is important, which is why Xamk supports the development of its personnel’s skills and career development, while taking into account equality and non-discrimination.
Together, we make our higher education community better by supporting the participation and possibility to influence of staff and students.
A Safe, Healthy, Inclusive, and Comfortable Place to Work and Study

Everyday life at our higher education institution runs smoothly and we can achieve our goals when we ensure the wellbeing of our staff and students. Xamk’s strategic goal is to be a responsible, good, and desired place to work and study. We develop our operations and campuses in the long run based on user needs.
The basic premise is a safe, healthy, accessible, and comfortable work and study environment, which is implemented following the principles of sustainable development. We are committed to inclusiveness and the promotion of equality and non-discrimination. The goal of Xamk is to be a diverse and multicultural place to work and study, and in our higher education institution community we strive to ensure the wellbeing of all. Wellbeing and students’ ability to study are supported by various services and space solutions among other things.
A Transparent, Just, and Equal Organisation

Sustainable development and responsibility are part of Xamk’s strategy and operational goals. Our quality culture ensures continuous development and thereby good results.
Good corporate governance at Xamk consists of fair management, encouraging culture of open discussion and participatory decision-making. Conflicts of interest are also considered in decision-making processes. Bribery, corruption, or other improper conduct will not be tolerated.
With the help of a stable economy and good corporate governance, we want to ensure good operating conditions and opportunities for operational development
Quality Education

The flexibility of the studies and the provided guidance and support form a good starting point for the development of the students’ professional growth and the identification of learning challenges.
Education at Xamk is practical and valued by the working life. Our goal is to educate highly employable experts, whose skills meet the demands of working life and who have the ability to renew their skills and meet the challenges of the future.
Xamk’s goal is to offer its students a stimulating study atmosphere, versatile and high-quality support services, and flexible study opportunities that take into account the diversity and different needs of the students
Responsible Partnerships and Responsibly Impactful RDI Activities

We offer a developing, responsible, knowledge-creating, and participatory higher education community, where both students, staff and our external networks can participate in creating a sustainable future. We respond to societal changes and topical challenges, such as sustainability challenges. We want to be a good partner in such a way that cooperation is fruitful for all parties. Xamk is also committed to the principles of open science in all its operations. Engaging in open science and research makes Xamk’s know-how widely available to society.
We aim at internationally high-level research and development activities. With the help of our expertise, research infrastructures and cooperation networks, we respond especially to the challenges of data economy, green transition, and sustainable wellbeing. We produce information, operating models, and solutions for regional, national, and international use.