Getting Ready for the Cross-Border Challenges: Capacity Building in Sustainable Shore Use
The main objective of the project was to develop the coastal region and port environment based on sustainable development in Finland and Russia harbors.
The project has been completed.
Our main goal is to create attention and interest in increasing the environmental sustainable development readiness for the stakeholders in the vulnerable Eastern Gulf of Finland.
Growing business opportunities, technological improvements, and environmental protection and sustainability goals is able to achieve through professional training, leadership and science.
The United Nations has defined the Sustainable Development Goals in year 2015. The most important goals are climate change, digitalization of the marine ecosystem, economic development and education for the GET READY project. These goals and objectives specify the definition for this project as ‘Science – Business – Education’.
The port stakeholders are strongly guided by national and international legislation. The project team of Xamk is examining both current and future legislation and regulations, searching the best practices for the development of digitalization of port owners and operators, as well as shipping companies.
One goal of the GET READY project is to increase cooperation and environmental awareness between ports, shipping companies and authorities. Communication also aims to increase the awareness and readiness of individuals to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Cooperation is done with Russian and Finnish academic, scientific and business partners. The project is coordinated and managed by Eco Express Service and other Russian partners are the Russian State Hydrological Institute and the St. Petersburg State University. These partners provide a good starting point for cross-border cooperation. The Finnish partners in the project are Xamk, Kotka Maritime Research Centre (Merikotka ry), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies (CMS). These partners support the project’s objectives towards the most sustainable ports and shipping through their work packages.
Targets for Xamk in the GET READY project:
- Examination of the future legislation and regulations related to the use of ports and the coast of eastern Gulf of Finland
- Examination of the effects of the digitalization of ports and the impact of best practices on climate change mitigation and decision-making
- Writing an article and report for a scientific publication
- Organizing one-day trainings for GET READY stakeholders in St. Petersburg and Finland
- Supporting the partners of the project in the best possible way
Higher education and research cooperation with Russia has been freezed since March 4th 2022, according to the recommendation by Ministry of Education and Culture. Ongoing RDI projects can continue without partners from Russia or Belarus.

GET READY – Getting Ready for the Cross-Border Challenges: Capacity Building in Sustainable Shore Use
Contact info
Vesa Tuomala
Project Manager
+ 358 (0) 44 702 8320