Creative Communities First
CCF seeked to forge an effective and replicable HEI led digital model for creative industries training and support in communities.
The project is finished.
Please, visit also our official project website
Creative Communities First (CCF) recognizes the key role the creative economy has to play in regenerating Europe post COVID as it straddles economic, social, cultural and technological issues and is at the crossroads of the arts, business and technology. CCF is also mindful of the transformational power of higher education institutions and new partnership formats as engines of social mobility, innovation and equality of opportunity.
CCF’s main aim is to support HEI educators to digitally transform their teaching methods to rejuvenate the small, local, creative communities in the process.
– Creative communities first -project
CCF Digital Open Innovation and Education Platform.
- The CCF Digital Open Innovation and Education Platform promotes and facilitates e-service learning and enables European collaboration and international best practice between the HEI sector and creative industry communities.
- Platform offers an opportunity for education systems in Europe to modernize and innovate their use of digital technologies by offering multiple ways of teaching and learning while also building and sharing knowledge.
Guide to Sustainable and Regenerative Development of European Creative Economies and Communities post COVID19.
- Guide to Sustainable and Regenerative Development of European Creative Economies and Communities post COVID19.
- The guide provides rigorously researched, up-to-date knowledge on the impact of the COVID19 crisis on creative economies.
- Learning guide to the best practices to sustainably develop and regenerate creative communities post crisis.
HEI Pedagogic Framework and Online Hackathon Guide for CCF e-Service Learning.
- The Creative Communities First project designs, develops and implements a transferable and replicable model of HEI led immersive e-service learning which has the power and potential to rejuvenate small, local, creative communities adversely affected by the COVID19 crisis.
Creative Communities First

More information
Silja Suntola
Project manager
+358 50 439 0518