RDI projects

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Logo. Sisu.
Sustainable wellbeing

Sufficiency solutions for a resilient, green, and just Finland (SISU)

SISU seeks to harness the untapped potential of sufficiency solutions. The main…
Digital economy

Time for (S)heroes in fashion, costume design, and art installations for sustainable future, zero waste, digital processes, and co-design

Time for (S)heroes is a capacity building project for prospective fashion and…
Digital economy

Kymenlaakso GoGlo – Global Growth & Business Networks

The goal of the Kymenlaakso GoGlo project is to increase scalable and…

Production kitchens and catering – KetCat

The challenges faced by professional kitchens and the catering industry generally arise…

KNOT – All Young Participants in the Future

The project untangles the knots of pivotal and expert work phases. It…
Digital economy

Learn to Play for the Future

The project addresses the needs of higher education sector by fostering an…
Digital economy

The Big Green

In The Big Green project, we are bringing environmentally-engaged artists under one…

TyhyTeko – Work well-being and productivity for tourism and hospitality professionals through artificial intelligence and robotics

The project's goal is to improve the well-being and productivity of SMEs…
Digital economy

Economic Vitality through Diversity

The project is among the first in Finland to enhance the vitality…
Logistics and seafaring

Gateway to Global Markets

The project helps Finnish and Estonian SMEs in the cosmetics and food…
Digital economy

Creative Digital Growth BOOSTER

The Creative Digital Growth Booster (CDG Booster) project exists to bridge the…
Forest environment and energy

Sustainable packaging solutions of the bio-circular economy

The EU has set ambitious circular economy targets for industrial packaging. The…
Forest environment and energy

Green hydrogen and carbon dioxide to empower South-East Finland

Vihreällä vedyllä ja hiilidioksidilla voimaa Kaakkois-Suomeen- hankkeen tarkoituksena on edistää uusiutuvan energian…


The goal of the project is to build a national network for…
Forest environment and energy

Bioske – Development of sub-processes of the bioproduct mill based on new measurement techniques

The new technical value of the project is the introduction of remote…
Forest environment and energy

BioSavo – From the BioLuuppi Demonstration Environment to the world

BioSavo -project supports circular and bio economy, cleantech and carbon cycle related…
Digital economy


GreenCCircle empowers the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to embrace sustainability and…

Game Tech Kymenlaakso

Creating a virtual model of Kotkansaari, developing an ambulance simulator, utilizing game…

Sustainable accessibility of South Savo by sharing rides efficiently

A digital ride-sharing service that strengthens the climate resilience of municipalities and…
Sustainable wellbeing

KasvisPro Edu – More Professional Skills in Using Vegetarian Food and Plant Proteins

KasvisPro Edu – More Professional Skills in Using Vegetarian Food and Plant…
Digital economy


Co-vision fosters contemporary storytelling about the endangered local natural heritage.
Sustainable wellbeing

Tupa – fresh expertise for youth services

Hanke edistää nuorten eteläsavolaisten työhön ja koulutukseen kiinnittymistä. Tuemme nuorten ohjautumista palveluihin…
Drawing. Wet snowflakes.

Nuoska – Center of expertice of Youth work at schools and educational institutions

During 2024-2026 Nuoska is one of three centers funded by the Ministry…
Digital economy

Common steps towards inclusion and partnership

We create new ways of working for people's social participation, increasing their…