Henkilöt keskustelevat pöydän äärellä.

Open and re­spon­si­ble RDI and education

As open as possible, as closed as necessary


We promote the culture of open scientific research – Xamk strategy

Open and responsible research, development, innovation and learning is taken into account at Xamk in many different ways.

Xamk’s strategy is committed to strengthening the culture of open science and research. The development of open science and research is based on the Declaration on Open Science and Research and its complementary guidelines and recommendations.

Xamk’s research and development activities comply with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Research, the guidelines of the Research Ethics Advisory Board (TENK) and the laws and agreements related to the legal aspects of RDI activities.

Open approaches increase the quality, reliability and impact of RDI activities. Open practices also promote cooperation between the UAS and the business community. Open learning and teaching practices increase the quality and effectiveness of teaching and enable cooperation and co-creation at both national and international level.

The aim is to enhance the transfer of knowledge and skills and to generate new knowledge through interaction between the UAS and working life. Xamk offers training, guidance and personal counselling to staff and students to support open TKIO activities.

Declaration on Open Science and Research 2020-2025

Xamk has signed the national Declaration on Open Science and Research 2020-2025. The national policies implement the strategic principles, goals and plans set out in the Declaration. The guidelines are supported by more specific national recommendations. For more information, visit the Open Science.fi website.

In the declaration, Xamk is committed to implementing openness in four areas, which are also the cornerstones of openness:

Goal: In the research community, accountable openness is part of everyday research throughout the research process, and research organisations have evaluation practices, incentives and services in place to support this. Promoting research and researcher evaluation.

Internal coordination at Xamk: Culture of Practice Working Group

Xamk Guidelines: Science Communication (Lux-intra) and Guide to Open RDI (Libguides)
National guidelines: the Policy on Openness in the Culture of Activity

Goal: All new research publications are immediately and openly available.

Internal coordination at Xamk: the Working Group on Transparency in Publishing

Xamk Guidelines: Open access publishing and contracts (Lux-intra) sekä Publisher’s guide (Libguides) 

National guidelines: Policy for open access to scholarly publications

Goal: Research data and methods are as open as possible and as closed as necessary. Data are managed appropriately in accordance with the FAIR principles (discoverable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). Research methods and data, including research data, are identified as independent research outputs.

Internal coordination at Xamk: Working Group on Transparency of Data

Xamk Guidelines: Research materials and methods (Lux-intra sekä Guide to open RDI activities (Libguides) 

National guidelines: Policy for open research data and methods

Goal: The creation, use and co-development of open learning materials and other open teaching practices are part of everyday life in higher education and enable continuous learning.

Internal coordination at Xamk: the Open Learning Working Group

Xamk guidelines for open learning materials: Xamk Open Learning Programme  

Guidelines produced through national cooperation: Open learning materials -guide  

Kotimaiset linjaukset: Transparency of learning and learning materials

Structure for promoting an open culture at Xamk

The Open Science and Research Group aims to deepen the culture of open science and research. Xamk’s structure, guidelines and support services for promoting ATT work ensure that open approaches are taken into account in RDI projects as well as in other activities.

Kuva 1. Xamkin ATT-ohjausjärjestelmä


Tiedejatutkimus.fi gathers and shares information on research carried out in Finland. The service improves access to research information and experts and increases the visibility and social impact of Finnish research.

The aim is to ensure that Xamk’s activities and researchers are fully visible in the service (e.g. ORCID researcher identifier and research activities). You can access Xamk’s key figures (e.g. Open Science and Research) directly via this link (tiedejatutkimus.fi).

Based on the results of the AVOTT 2023 survey, Xamk’s Open Science and Research score is 4/5. Read more about the AVOTT monitoring (avointiede.fi).

Responsible researcher evaluation

Xamk has signed the Coara contract. Xamk’s researcher career path is based on the principles of responsible researcher assessment and Coara.Xamk has a Researcher Career Path Steering Group, set up by the School’s Executive Board, which participates in the assessment of the researcher’s career path and the assessments carried out during the career path. Xamk’s own Coara action plan will be completed by the end of 2024, prepared by the Xamk ATT team.

For more information: https://coara.eu/ and Good Practices in Researcher Assessment – National Recommendation for Responsible Researcher Assessment

Contact us

Julkaisu- ja tuotantopalvelut
Henni Laitala
Marjaana Kivelä
Pekka Uotila