Active Life Lab

Data-based Wellbeing Services

Active Life Lab is Xamk’s wellbeing research unit. We develop new approaches to address wellbeing challenges together with our partners. Through effective wellbeing services, our aim is to promote the health of societies as a whole – including individuals, communities, and nature.

Wellbeing research to reshape the world

We investigate and develop data-based, effective wellbeing services for preventive and solution-oriented health promotion.

Through our work, we aim to facilitate sustainable growth and create new business and work opportunities across South Savo, Finland and internationally.

Our multidisciplinary team at Active Life Lab conducts high-quality research and takes findings into practice. As a part of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, we have an active role in capacity building of our local community, with the focus in wellbeing research, development and innovation processes.

Sustainable growth of SMEs is our special focus. Together with our partners we create solutions to data economy, the green transition and sustainable wellbeing.

Become our partner and join the forefront of wellbeing service development!

We have successfully applied and received project funding over the years for a variety of wellbeing research, development and innovation projects. Our aim is to produce research-based, innovative solutions for health promotion, and to enhance the effectiveness of wellbeing services.

With our strong expertise in research and development, we help wellbeing businesses to turn ideas into reality.

Do you have a development idea regarding wellbeing research or service development? Are you interested in using the Hyviö app for evaluating the effectiveness of your services? Would you like to hear more about our smart gym and wellbeing research facilities? Contact us to say hello and hear more about our partnership program.

Together with our partners, we are always one step ahead of the wellbeing world.

Research Teams at Active Life Lab

Sustainable Solutions for Social & Health Care Services

Our team focuses on addressing the challenges in social and healthcare. We are committed to finding innovative solutions for complex issues in the field.  Our areas of interest include the organization of health and social care, practices of health and wellbeing promotion, and the advancement of evaluation and equity. We aim to understand both the structural and practical challenges of the systems, and to solve them in a sustainable manner.

Personalized Wellbeing Interventions

Our goal is to develop more effective and accessible health promotion methods for people of different age groups and life stages, utilizing wearable technology and advanced data analytics. We put special emphasis on the potential of personalized healthcare, where behavioral changes can be tailored to individual needs, based on data and the surrounding environment. 

Nature-based Health Services

Our team explores innovative health solutions by integrating nature into healthcare systems. We focus on planetary health, aiming to enhance wellbeing through nature-based interventions. Our research supports sustainable and effective practices that align human health with the natural environment and increase connection with nature.

Planetary Brain Health Maapallo, jota kohden ojentuu käsiä. Käsissä paperilehtiö, vispilä, porkkanoita ja leipä.

Our team delves into the intricate connections between natural environments, healthy lifestyles, and human health. Through cutting-edge research, we explore how interventions such as real nature exposures, wooden interiors, VR nature experiences, and healthy lifestyles can have positive impacts on our overall psycho-physiological wellbeing.

Co-Design of Effective Wellbeing Services & Testbed Activities in Ecosystems

Public and private health and wellbeing services shall not only be economically viable and sustainable, but also bring positive changes in the short and long term. Furthermore, modern wellbeing services have to tackle variable regional, national and international wellbeing challenges. The range of services shall consider all relevant stakeholders and the needs for prevention, prediction, personalization and participation.

Our team meets these requirements by investigating and developing data-driven, effective wellbeing services by implementing co-design, testbed and ecosystem activities. With this approach, we aim to enable more informed decision making and to create useful, user-centered, desirable and profitable solutions.

Current projects at Active Life Lab

Our International Networks


Xamk is a part of the European University INGENIUM, which brings knowledge and expertise to the region through joint studies and degrees, research cooperation, information and experience sharing, student exchange, and staff mobility.



Active Life Lab is a member of the international ECHAlliance (European Connected Health Alliance), which is a European wellness industry network made up of more than 700 member organizations.

Kaksi ihmistä, joiden kasvoja ei näy, toinen pitelee proteesikättä.

Nordic Proof

Nordic Proof

Active Life Lab belongs to the Nordic Proof network, which brings the entire Nordic health technological know-how, project cooperation and extensive utilization of business contacts within our reach.

Contact Information

Active Life Lab

Mr. Arto Pesola is currently having a paternity leave and will be back at work on February 3, 2025. Director of Juvenia Research Unit, Mr. Jussi Ronkainen, is replacing him during the absence (e-mail jussi.ronkainen(at)

Arto Pesola
Head of RDI Unit
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Active Life Lab
Marjo Turunen
Research Manager
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Social media
Active Life Lab
Susanne Kumpulainen
RDI Specialist
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Social media
Active Life Lab

I work at Active Life Lab as an RDI Specialist and a Project Manager of the Active Life HUB project. In my project team, we build a versatile wellbeing industry ecosystem in the South Savo region, and create new product and service concepts for permanent and seasonal residents and tourists in the region. We also boost sales and marketing activities and organize a wellbeing event.

As an RDI expert, my job  includes creation of international networks and strategic partnerships  for the research unit, productization and conceptualization of our service portfolio, especially the development of contract research services.

As a Team Leader, I am responsible for one of our research groups focusing in Co-Design of Effective Wellbeing Services and Testbed Activities in Ecosystems.

I also act as the RDI Communication Officer of our research unit, and participate in the coordination of the operations of the Kalevankangas Development Platform of the City of Mikkeli.

My educational background is versatile and multidisciplinary. It comprises of MSc. in Cell Biology, BBA in Risk and Environmental Management, and MBA in Development of Data-based Wellbeing Services. Furthermore, I am a trained Wellness Coach and Wellbeing Agent at Work.

In addition to my career in the wellbeing industry, I am an experienced professional in the field of defence and security technology, specialized in business, product and application management of CBRN solutions for military and civil defence. I have also nurtured my professional knowledge and skills in marketing and sales of life science research instrumentation and reagents for public and private laboratories and other related organizations.

Katja Kiukas
RDI Specialist
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Social media
Active Life Lab

Kestävän hyvinvoinnin ja tulevaisuuden paremman huomisen muotoilija.

Ihmisen ja muun luonnon välisen hyvinvoinnin yhteyden vahvistaminen niin yksilö-, järjestelmä- kuin globaalilla tasolla.

Active Life Labilla luontolähtöisten hyvinvointiratkaisujen asiantuntija.

Kati Kiiski
Project Manager
Social media
Active Life Lab
Anja Härkönen
RDI Specialist
Active Life Lab
Mira Häyrinen
Lecturer,Project Manager
Sosiaali-, terveys- ja liikunta-alan koulutusyksik
Suvi Lamberg
Senior Lecturer
Active Life Lab
Eevamari Kurki
RDI Specialist
Active Life Lab
Pirjo Hakala
RDI Specialist
Active Life Lab
Elina Hasanen
Project Researcher

Our location

Active Life Lab is located at Saimaa Stadium, Raviradantie 22 B, 50100 Mikkeli.