Industrial Wood Construction and Technical Testing Laboratory
By utilising our world-class expertise and tooling, life-size structures can be developed and tested.
Designed to serve business needs!

Pilot and Industrial Scale Testing
Technical performance can be determined for the entity instead of the components, thus making it possible to optimise the use of materials and improve the efficiency of construction.
The accelerated weathering test performed on the experimental structure tests and develops the structure’s physical properties.
We serve businesses through service sales, development projects and student cooperation.

Weathering room
Weathering room
Weathering test chambers can be used to simulate indoor and outdoor conditions. Conditions: -40°C – +80°C / RH 20-95% / UV / rain test.

The structural testing equipment enables an almost unlimited number of different wooden and hybrid structures to be tested on an industrial scale and close to actual building component assemblies.

Large-scale 3D printing
Large-scale 3D printing
Printing volume of 1.3 x 2.5 x 1 m (3.25 m3)! Compatible with a wide range of granulated thermoplastic polymers and composites as printing materials. The workstation also includes a 45° printing head and a milling head for post-processing of surfaces.

Professional Services
Professional Services
Get to know the service

Trainings, workshops, theme days
Trainings, workshops, theme days
Besides piloting and testing, seminars, workshops, trade fairs, trainings and theme days are all possible in the Industrial Wood Construction Laboratory.
Examples of the services
Development of existing solutions
Creating new concepts
Full-scale prototypes
Test Field and Test Buildings
We are part of the Xamk FiberLaboratory research unit
RDI Projects

Itäpuu – Eastern Finland wood product cluster

Bimeyes – Environmental product declarations for construction products

HIFO – Hybrid intermediate floor optimization for wood construction

VIIMA – New measurement and modeling technologies of veneer products and processes

Bio-Humectants based flame retardants for impregnation and coating treatment of wood substrates (Biosuoja)
KIRA CIRCULARIS – Circular economy products, services and innovations in the real estate and construction industry
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
The Industrial Wood Construction Laboratory enables the development and testing of large structures on a real scale. We research, test and develop large-scale wooden structures and wooden elements and new solutions for construction joints. We improve the standardisation of wood construction products, guidelines and the cost-effectiveness of construction.
The laboratory can test full-scale wall elements, beams, joints and lattice structures. Our equipment enables an almost unlimited number of different wooden and hybrid structures to be tested on an industrial scale.
One of the laboratory’s specialties is two weathering test chambers: one can create outdoor conditions and the other indoor conditions.
Structural testing can load structures by pulling, compressing and tension. Dynamic loading can be used to simulate, for example, vibration in structures.
We want to offer all companies the opportunity to visit the laboratory without hurry and discuss possible cooperation. Book a private tour for your company!
We constantly collect development needs and ideas from our stakeholders. We help in the development efforts of ideas, and we are looking for funding to implement projects. We make bold and proactive project openings that meet the needs of growth-oriented companies, the public sector and the region in the long term, and we aim for concrete results that will be used by the companies in the region. We always create something new and useful: we find solutions and develop good ideas into practice. Contact us and tell about your project idea!
Contact us!
We invite you to contact us.
Topical articles

Finland’s largest forest management association values the regular training of its personnel

New European university INGENIUM begins cooperation – Xamk the only Finnish higher education institution to participate

Industrial Wood Construction And Technical Testing Laboratory and FiberLaboratory are situated next to each other in Technology Park Noheva in Savonlinna.

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd
Industrial Wood Construction And Technical Testing Laboratory
Vipusenkatu 9, FI-57200 Savonlinna
Site visits

Book a time to explore the new laboratory!
- Let’s talk about possible cooperation.
- It is possible to set up a private tour for your business!
- The maximum number of participants per group is 50 persons.
Media publications
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus 17.5.2024
Rantasalmen Lehti 15.5.2024
Teollisen mittakaavan kehitys- ja testauslaitteistot sekä pilotointiympäristö Savonlinnaan
Yritysmaailma 10.5.2024
Tekniikka & Talous 2.2.2024
Savonmaa 31.1.2024
Itä-Savo 25.1.2024
Want to know more? Contact us!
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