Xamk Kuitulaboratorion koeajohalli

Piloting and Research Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services in a customer-oriented and flexible manner. We serve businesses through service sales, development projects and student cooperation.

Services can be selected from rental premises to full-service test-run packages.

Biotuotetekniikka Xamk Kuitulaboratoriossa

Services for companies and partners

We conduct comprehensive technological mapping for customers. This may take place at a customer’s factory in which we inspect the operations of process equipment and have samples taken for laboratory analysis.

We report the results and suggestions of improvements, taking into account the cost-efficiency of the process.

The core of the FiberLaboratory is the pilot hall, where pilot and factory-scale test runs can be conducted using wet pulp mass, water and/or other test materials. The key idea is, that the customer’s equipment is brought to the test run hall for testing and it is attached to circulation equipment – also known as loops – to enable a test run to be completed.

The loop contains a pump that enables the biomass to circulate through the pipes and the testing equipment back into the tank, from where it can then be recirculated by the pump.

Examples of piloting

  • Mixing tests
  • Product development and characterisation
  • Problem-solving
  • Manufacturing biomass and further studies
  • Testing measurement and regulation systems
  • Long-term testing of maintenance

Laboratoriotestausta Xamk Kuitulaboratoriossa Savonlinnassa

Contact us

Tapio Tirri
Head of RDI Unit
Metsä, ympäristö ja energia
Lasse Pulkkinen
Research Director