Suuren mittakaavan 3D-tulostusympäristö Teollisen puurakentamisen laboratoriossa Savonlinnassa

3D Services

New solutions with innovative product development and manufacturing. We offer 3D services for planning, modeling, printing or scanning.

A comprehensive selection of 3D services and equipment

Savonlinnassa 3D-tulostettuja kappaleita ja osia, lähikuva

The 3D printing environment enables the design and production of new structural solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of 3D services for design, modeling, scanning, and printing. We implement customer-centric and flexible product development processes, from ideation to 3D printing of prototypes or small production series, as needed.

We have a versatile selection of equipment and materials, along with a 3K factory environmental testing laboratory, enabling extensive testing and research related to 3D printing. In addition to our printing services, we also provide tailored 3D-related training.


Suuren mittakaavan 3d-tulostin Savonlinnan teollisen puurakentamisen laboratoriossa

We have a versatile range of equipment for 3D printing and scanning.

In addition to our in-house hardware, we have an extensive network of subcontractors through which we can subcontract, for example, metal and large-scale prints.

Our latest acquisition is the Super Discovery 3D Printer Workstation, a large-scale printing device manufactured by CNC Barcenas. This gantry-type 3D printer has a printing volume of 1.3 x 2.5 x 1 m. It is compatible with a wide range of granulated thermoplastic polymers and composites as printing materials. The workstation also includes a 45° printing head and a milling head for post-processing of surfaces.

  • miniFactory Ultra
  • Markforged Mark Two
  • Brinter One
  • Creaform Handyscan 307
  • Sigma R19
  • Asiga PRO 4K65
  • Tumaker BIGFoot Pro Pellets 350
  • Super Discovery 3D Printer Workstation

Contact us

Elektroniikan 3K-tehdas
Mikko Nykänen
RDI Specialist
Elektroniikan 3K-tehdas
Eetu Huttunen
RDI Specialist