Information Management and Archiving
Xamk continues the strong tradition of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences as a developer of digital archiving solutions. Comprehensive research, development, and education ensure the usability, accessibility, and long-term preservation of digital information.
All organisations are facing the same challenge of growing masses of information
Innovation through research, education and collaboration
The expertise in digital information management and archiving at Xamk is particularly found in the research center Digitalia. Digitalia’s partners include archives, libraries, research organizations, educational institutions, companies, and associations. We work closely with Xamk’s information management and digital archiving education (Master’s degree). Additionally, we organize a digital information summer school annually.
Research and development
The research and development of information management and archiving is the responsibility of the research centre Digitalia, which especially develops the usability and accessibility of digital information. Established in 2015, Digitalia is a joint research and development center of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, the University of Helsinki, and the National Library of Finland.
The research and development work carried out by Digitalia ensures that information remains usable far into the future and is reliable. We develop and test long-term preservation. At Xamk, Digitalia is part of the digital economy’s area of expertise and continues the strong tradition of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences as a developer of digital archiving solutions. Digitalia naturally fits into the strategic goal of the city of Mikkeli to act as an archive city.

Xamk offers a wide range of education in information management and digital archiving. The selection includes Master’s degrees and smaller training modules.
In Finland’s only master’s degree program in digital archiving, the central topics are themes related to the creation, processing, and preservation of digital information. Additionally, data protection and information security are studied. In this program, you will learn how to manage the information in your organization through its various lifecycle stages.
In the education of information management and digital archiving, you will acquire practical knowledge and skills to develop both your work and your organization’s operations through information management and digital archiving. You will learn to identify your organization’s information resources, develop information management processes and participate in the procurement process of information systems. Additionally, you will become familiar with techniques related to digital archiving.
The degree program collaborates with Xamk’s RDI actors, especially Digitalia – the Research and Development Centre for Digital Information Management. There is also collaboration with other higher education institutions offering education in the field, as well as with companies and organizations operating in the sector.
Collaboration networks
Strategic and determined approach has enabled us to build a wide collaboration network of international partners. For example:
- Attending international conferences, seminars and training programs.
- Joining as a registered member in different organizations, for example DLM Forum, Time Machine Organization, etc.
- Memory Campus, the Nationals Library of Finland, the National Archives of Finland
Xamk is also represented in the DLM Forum Executive Committee by research manager Anssi Jääskeläinen.

Memory Lab – research infrastructure
The new Memory Lab research environment of the Digital Information Management Research and Development Center, Digitalia, provides the infrastructure for developing and testing new methods, products, and services.
Memory Lab brings together actors and companies specializing in digital information management and aims to develop RDI activities. As a new RDI environment and competence center, Memory Lab serves memory organizations and companies as well as other actors in the field, while simultaneously creating an innovative environment for utilizing the possibilities of artificial intelligence, refining data, and producing commercial services for new industries.
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Join us in a journey into the world of innovation work! How might we be of service?
We are always looking for new partners and collaboration opportunities with anyone who shares the same passion for groundbreaking research and innovation. If you feel like you are always interested in finding new ways and opening new possibilities, let us know. We are more than happy to hear your ideas and thoughts!