A person watching the environment with VR glasses.

Game Technology and Cybersecurity

The growing use of gaming technologies in all industries creates innovations that require new skills. Threats related to information security are affecting more and more people, and the importance of preparedness is emphasised. Gaming technologies and cybersecurity are a significant part of the digital society as a whole.

Gaming technologies and cybersecurity are part of the digital society.

Excellence in gaming technology and cybersecurity

Our experts develop, study, and apply game technologies concentrating on areas such as game programming, gamification, 3D graphics, virtual reality, and augmented reality. In addition, we support game companies in their business development and internationalization activities.

In a modern society all devices and services are digital, which means that information management forms a significant part of cyber security: who has access to information, how it is managed and what ecosystem is required to ensure the solution is manageable, safe and usable. We concentrate especially on the safe operation of datacenters and on the development of virtualization services.

Game technologies act as an engine for new skills

Game production combines technology, creativity and sales and marketing skills. In addition to entertainment games, game technologies are increasingly part of the future of various industries, such as education, healthcare and industry.

Our projects meet the needs of the gaming industry. In the projects, we focus on game programming, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). In addition, we offer expertise in business development in the gaming industry and in supporting the internationalisation of gaming companies.

We work closely with companies in the gaming industry. The student and our experts participate in projects that cover the realizations of our attention and logistics automation solutions. Through the projects, companies get access to the latest know-how and innovations.

Cyber ​​security helps protect vital operations

The importance of cyber security is increasing, and its role in protecting critical business operations, for example, is crucial.

Xamk implements several development projects related to cyber security, which aim to improve the information security capabilities of companies and society. In the projects, we focus on the following areas:

Security of networks and systems: We develop and test security practices and technologies.

Cyber ​​security exercises: We simulate cyber attacks and practice countering them together with companies.

Information security training: We offer training and coaching in different areas of cyber security, so that companies can improve their own information security skills.