Expert in information management and long-term preservation, Digitalia is a joint research and development network formed by South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk), University of Helsinki, and The National Library of Finland.
Research Centre for Digital Information Management
In the digital world, sets of information can literally disappear with one click. Digitalia helps to save the valuable cultural heritage.
“Digitalia has opened fully new opportunities to use the archived materials in research.” – The Päivälehti Archives
“For once a presentation to introduce a concrete solution.” – Member meeting of the European digital archiving coalition, DLM-Forum, Haag
Digital solutions for information management
Our solutions improve the opportunities to use digitized and born-digital material for e.g. academic research.
Our work helps to make sure information is preserved for a long time, while being usable and reliable. We conduct migration research, i.e. advance in transferring digital information from obsolete media and repositories into novel ones. We improve the quality and usability of historical resources.
In Xamk, Digitalia is a part of the focus area of digital economy. We continue the tradition from Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences in developing digital archiving solutions. We also support the strategic objective of the city of Mikkeli in operating as a hub of preservation and archiving.
Our projects are funded e.g. by The Regional Council of South Savo from the European Regional Development Fund.

Results and useful applications
You can take a look at the results of our research on our Demos & Publications site by visiting the link below.
We have developed, among other things, automatic content analysis, text recognition, anonymization, and visualization of materials in a 3D environment. We apply both machine learning and rule-based methods. We further develop various types of materials: already digitized text documents, photographs, videos and historical newspaper material, emails, and social media data.

Other applications developed at Digitalia
Services for different needs – How may we help you?

We offer research- and practice-based information and support for your organization’s information management. Request a quote from Digitalia for consulting on, for example, the capture and migration of digital materials to an archive-ready format. We also provide software and AI solutions for material management (e.g., automatic indexing of materials). We also advise on the use of the open-source tools we utilize. The specific target and implementation of the expert service are always agreed upon based on your needs. Our subsidiary, Disec Oy, offers digital archiving services and digitization services.

We develop continuous learning solutions in the field of information management. For example, Digitization Developer competency module is available as part of our development projects. Relevant education will also be offered in the future through Xamk Pulse open university of applied sciences. Our other projects also offer participation opportunities to enhance your and your organization’s skills. We organize an annual summer school on digital information.

Memory Lab is a new research environment in Mikkeli specializing in information processing. Memory Lab offers companies and research partners an innovative platform for utilizing the possibilities of artificial intelligence in refining long-term stored data and producing commercial services in new sectors as well. The goal is to strengthen collaboration, facilitate new innovations, and commercialize concepts. The capacity and expert services of Memory Lab are offered to companies and organizations for AI experiments in the research and development phase.

Memory Campus is a cluster of archives, libraries, museums and actors in the information management sector.
Memory Campus develops expertise, research and training in archiving, digitization, digitalisation and data management using the latest technologies. It is based on Mikkeli’s long-term, nationally unique expertise in archiving, digitization, usability of data and information management.

The National Library offers open historical newspaper material packages and guide packages, a digital material download tool, guidance for using historical raw data on GitHub, ‘Stories from Savonia in Newspapers’ – the National Library’s ready-made teaching packages in Finna Classroom.
Digitalia team and contact details
- Knowledge management
- Online communities & networks
- Digital ethics and AI
- Project funding
- Tiedejatutkimus.fi

- Software Development
- Data Economy
- Data Spaces
- Open-Source Software
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Responsibility

Digitalia team at the National Library of Finland
Minna Kaukonen
Head of Planning
National Library of Finland
Phone: +358 504155450
Address: Saimaankatu 6, Mikkeli
Liisa Näpärä
Information Specialist
National Library of Finland
Phone: +358 505059638
Address: Saimaankatu 6, Mikkeli
Erno Liukkonen
Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
Phone: +358 503118224
Address: Saimaankatu 6, Mikkeli