Creative Industries

In the Creative Industries Research Unit, our playing field consists of creative methods and business. We excel at user-oriented thinking and support innovations regardless of the field.

We develop creative methods and business

We help others to find the energy of creative industries

The Creative Industries Research Unit serves developers, companies, and the educational community in the region regardless of industry.

We produce solutions in multidisciplinary teams and networks nationally and internationally.

Our research, development and innovation services connect professionals from creative industries and other fields.

Our goal is to seek future competitiveness and wellbeing through creativity and diversity.

The themes we focus on

What our work looks like

We help others to find the energy of creative industries.

House of Experiences

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In the video, students, teachers and companies in the creative industry share their experiences and views on the effects of virtual production technology on the future of the industry, application possibilities and the benefits of the project.

Civil Protection Forum 2024

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Be prepared, the Finnish way. How new technologies can enhance disaster risk prevention and response.

Infrastructures and technologies


Networks are a means of influence and cooperation. We are interested and actively involved in many kinds of networks. In this way, we can influence and highlight the topics of the creative industries more broadly.

What is living lab?

Living labs are real-life testing and experimentation environments that promote co-development and open innovation, involving citizens, public administration, companies and educational institutions equally.

European Network of Living Labs

A Europe-wide, sometimes even wider, network of universities and other entities, which are connected by living lab activities. The network is united by user-oriented development and innovation.

Finnish Network of Living Labs

We coordinate the living lab network of six universities of applied sciences. Included are Xamk, Hamk, Haaga-Helia, Arcada, Savonia and Centria.

Service Design Network

SDN is a leading non-profit service design expertise institution and a driver of global growth, development and innovation.


Cumulus represents a dynamic ecosystem for internationalisation and global mobility, information exchange and cooperation in art and design pedagogy, research and practice.

Kymenlaakso ennakoi

In the local foresight focused network, we anticipate the skills and needs to strengthen the attractiveness and vibrancy of Kymenlaakso.

Kymenlaakson ihme

Kymenlaakso’s forest industry turned 150 years old in 2022. The forest industry born along Kymijoki shaped Kymenlaakso and helped raise the whole of Finland to prosperity and world awareness.

Luova areena

There are about 40 organizations and more than 100 people in the creative industries network of Southeast Finland. The coordinator of the network is Ritva Kaikkonen of Southeast Finland ELY. The network is active and strives to promote the success of the Southeastern Finnish creative economy and goal-oriented networking and cooperation.

Creative industries in Finland

The role of intangible added value is a strong competitive factor regardless of the sector. Creative fields have the ability to embody and express values, concepts and meanings. Sustainable development, social wellbeing and ethics are emphasized as people’s values ​​and attitudes change.

The creative economy is a very significant industry in Finland. It is divided into three groups according to the different nature of their operations, which together employed more than 128,000 people in 2022, included more than 61,000 companies with a combined turnover of 13.7 billion euros.

Source: According to. Business Finland. Tilannekuva luovien alojen ja tapahtuma-alan liiketoiminnasta. VTT Raportti 4/2023.

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Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Ari Utriainen
Head of RDI Unit
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Samuli Karevaara
Research Manager
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Irina Kujanpää
Lecturer,Research Manager
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Heini Haapaniemi
Research Manager