Co-funded by the EU

YWIS – Youth work in schools

School-based youth work is becoming international

 The aim is to define the role and opportunities of youth work in schools. Another aim is to incorporate informal education opportunities to formal education and to integrate the objectives of youth work and curricula. 

European wide co-operation developing youth work in schools.

Project implementation


YWIS consists of four work packages: Project management, Best practices of local networks, Mixing and testing best practices and Arranging learning and teaching activities. YWIS organises transnational meetings, workshops and training, and publishes materials and reviews concerning youth work in schools for international use. Moreover, each partner establishes local collaboration and disseminates the results through national networks.

Project results

After YWIS youth work in schools is better identified in partner organisations and regions. Cooperation between schools and youth work organisations is established to facilitate and develop young people’s informal education. Youth work is better integrated into school curricula and practices. Youth workers’ competence has strengthened and new contents have been introduced to carry out youth work in schools.

Topical in YWIS!

The English manual, YWIS book, is published!

Pilots in all participating countries are finished, the results will be introduced in our seminar in Mikkeli 12.-13.3.2025. Please register until 25.5.2025.

At the end of the project, you can study the themes of school youth work in our online courses.



International playground for Youth Work In Schools

Stay tuned for this next publication aimed for spring 2025, which will feature inspiring blogs, vlogs, and podcasts of piloting experiences, as well as expert texts from the youth field in our partner countries.

Drawn picture. Lots of pac-man characters.
YWIS PodTalk will dive into the most innovated and impact Youth Work practices from Finland. In this series Podcast hosts Yannis Pechtelidis and Vicky Kozari will discuss about four good educational practices with special guest George Gakoudis. Podcast will offer practical tips and perspectives for educators, youth workers and anyone passionate about education!

Stay tuned for inspiring vlogs to be published soon!

Youth work in Schools seminar in Mikkeli

The aim is to define the role and opportunities of youth work in schools. Another aim is to incorporate informal education opportunities to formal education and to integrate the objectives of youth work and curricula. YWIS further increases the quality of youth work through four themes:

  1. Sustainable development.
  2. Democracy education.
  3. Student wellbeing work.
  4. Strengthening the sense of community.

YWIS book

European Perspectives and Good Practices on

Youth Work in Schools and Educational Institutions

Inspiration and Approaches for Youth Workers


Marita Mattila
Project manager
+358 50 312 5094

Saila Heiskanen
+358 50 448 8080

Veronica Hellström
+358 50 337 0209

Project name:

YWIS – Youth work in schools

Project duration: 1.9.2022–31.8.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners: Freguesia de Vila Boa do Bispo (Portugal), Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece) and Saaremaa Noorsootöö Keskus (Estonia)
Other partners: City of Mikkeli
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing
Research area: Equality and empowerment of youth
Research centre: Juvenia


Financier and main source of funding: Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in youth KA220-YOU
Total budget: 400 00€
EU part of the total budget: 400 000€
Xamk part of the total budget: 140 715

Project partners

Juvenia youth Research and Development Center is co-operating with
Freguesia de Vila Boa do Bispo (Portugal),
Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece) and
Saaremaa Noorsootöö Keskus (Estonia)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not
necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.Footer-placeholder