Co-funded by the EU

Work Life Path

International experts to work

The project promotes international recruitment, particularly in exporting companies of Kymenlaakso region.

International student of today is the international expert of tomorrow.

Solutions to skill shortage

International degree students do not often have a professional network to help them to integrate with the Finnish working life and companies in the region after the completion of their studies.

This project seeks a solution to the challenges in recruitment from the perspectives of both international students and companies by co-creating together with students and companies a working life path designed, piloted and documented in 2-4 different industries.

These paths will contribute to the development of integration of students into Finnish working life and companies in the Kymenlaakso region.

We solve Kymenlaakso’s talent shortage by promoting international recruitment in companies in the area.

What we do

Career path design and industry-specific customization

Piloting the work life path

Documentation and preparation of the work life path for implementation

Preparation of the work life path for further development

For companies

  • Benchmarking the already existing working life paths in different regions.
  • Identifying the main elements of the working life path with the HR of the participating companies.
  • Modeling industry-specific working life paths utilizing the elements from Xamk’s internship and thesis processes.
  • Organizing cultural training for participating companies.
  • Supporting participating companies during the working life pilot.

For students

  • Communicating the working life path to students and including them in training pilots.
  • Training pilot group students in technological skills, Finnish working life and corporate culture.
  • Students’ guided internships and theses in the companies participating in the project.

For further development

  • Feedback discussions with companies and students.
  • Collecting and documenting the experiences of the working life path based on pilots.
  • Completing the career path by co-developing with companies and students.
  • Documenting the working life path, setting it in motion and preparing the next steps of development.

Degree contents: What Digital International Business studies include?

The degree programme Digital International Business, BBA programme is 210 ECTS. One ECTS includes arounf 27 hrs of work. A student completes this programme in 3,5 years on average. Core competences are 150 ECTS and supplementary competences are 60 ECTS that have advanced courses within the degree programme (45 ECTS) and 15 ECTS selected by each student fully independently (so called free-choice, or optional studies).

RDI cooperation is expected in each course and can include various business-related tasks, business cases or direct business projects with local or international companies.

In addition to basic competences in business, students focus on business communication, entrepreneurship skills, financial, statistic and mathematical skills among others. In addition, digital, marketing, innovation, and AI competences are nurtured within the programme. In order to graduate, a student completes basic (10 ECTS) and advanced (20 ECTS) practical training. Thesis process takes another 30 ECTS.


An interview you can't prepare for – what’s the point?

This week the student applicants went into the next round where they were to present their marketing research topics to the new CEO, Santeri Nisula, and Recruitment & Research Consultant for Eezy Personnel, Sanna Tukiainen.

Published in INSIDER, the Student Magazine of Xamk in March 2024. Written by Senior Lecturer Hugh Clack.

Finding a training place takes effort – but help is at hand

This year sees the first of a new Talent Boost project helping put international students and employers together for practical training purposes. The Xamk Grant Pilot scheme is being run for the first time, and there have been several employers that have signed up to participate.

Published in INSIDER, the Student Magazine of Xamk in March 2024. Written by Senior Lecturer Hugh Clack.

Building an international work-life path in the Kymenlaakso region

The article discusses the implementation stages in Work Life Path pilots and their theoretical frameworks.

Published in the Journal of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Written by Mikhail Nemilentsev, Xamk, RDI Principal Lecturer & RDI Expert, D.Sc. (Econ.); Minna Porvari, Xamk, RDI Expert, BA and Riku Happonen, Xamk, Project Manager, M.Sc. (Econ.).


This paper considers various theoretical and practical perspectives of futures-driven digitalized competences within the Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) practices in the applied educational context. Whereas the paper focuses primarily on higher education, showcases of successful RDI integration between several educational levels are provided. Future’s research, aspects of digitalized learning, and viewpoints on connecting RDI and education form the theoretical basis and the article’s core. International RDI experts and educators were interviewed within the case study, and multiple observations were conducted. Future’s competences for digitalized RDI and sustainable learning were analyzed. The application of multidisciplinary, inter-level online, and onsite RDI interventions was found to positively influence the learning outcomes and thus contribute to a more efficient study process.

Keywords: digitalisation; education; future’s competences; future; RDI; sustainability

Published in Xamk Beyond 2023: Digitalization. Written by Dr. Mikhail Nemilentsev, RDI Principal Lecturer (Department of Business).

Over the past few years, a dramatic transformation in students’ learning skills has been visible. From active recipients of information from lecturers and passive participants in the traditional educational group process, students have become active transformers of educational life, initiators of educational spin-offs, and international catalysts of project activities.

Published in Xamk READ 4/2023 in December 2023. Written by Dr. Mikhail Nemilentsev, RDI Principal Lecturer (Department of Business) & RDI Expert (Digital Economy), and Dr. Veronique Sanguinetti, Lecturer & Researcher, Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, IAE School of Management.

International students and young professionals find it difficult to realise themselves, primarily because of fractured personal values. To remain at least as competitive as their peers who were born or have been living in this new environment for a longer period of time, international students need to be very proactive.

Published in Xamk NEXT in June 2023. Written by Dr. Mikhail Nemilentsev, principal lecturer at Xamk and Digital International Business Student Valentin Vlasov, who worked in the Work Life Path project as a trainee.

One of the key factors for the Finnish labour force is to bring new residents to Finland and one of the ways to do this is through international programmes such as at Xamk.

Published in INSIDER, the Student Magazine of Xamk in February 2023. Written by Senior Lecturer Hugh Clack.

It is a common knowledge for staff members that finding a practical training position is very difficult for students who are not native in Finnish.

Published in INSIDER, the Student Magazine of Xamk in January 2023. Written by Project Manager Riku Happonen.

Before I started studying for my bachelor’s degree, I would have never expected that looking for some place to accept my unpaid labour would be one of the most challenging parts of the process, but I’m running ahead of myself.

Published in INSIDER, the Student Magazine of Xamk in January 2023. Written by Digital International Business Student Valentin Vlasov, who worked in the Work Life Path project as a trainee.

Xamk’s exclusive talk show | Spot-on | Episode 1: The New Dimensions of UAS’ Finances

At Xamk, we don’t shy away from tough questions. We intend to democratize our decision making and operational processes to an extent where we make everyone a true stakeholder. With this objective in mind, Xamk’s business department has introduced a new talk show series called ‘Spot-on’. The series aims to break down complex issues related to education and students into simpler and understandable discussions, thereby sensitizing all relevant stakeholders. With this series, we endeavor to get leaders, think tanks, policy and decision makers into the ‘Spot-on’ chair and ask them questions, however difficult they may be, to get answers that would be guiding lights to our future together through quality education.

This episode is about the recent budget challenges within the University of Applied Sciences world. How do we plan to tackle this situation, what are the bottlenecks and what are the promises, how would it impact the student community. Ari Lindeman and Santeri Koivisto from Xamk’s leadership team are in the spot today to take us through this complex subject.

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Partnership with International Employer of the Year 2023 competition by JCI Finland

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Project won National Flagship Project award at JCI European Conference in Oulu 12 – 15th June 2024 and is in a race of Best National Flagship project in the world in Taiwan World Congress in November.

Partnership included Suomi Areena 2023 panel discussion on the importance of international recruitment where Project Manager was representing the project. It included also opportunity to judge the applications where RDI Principal Lecturer was on the board.


Practical training at Lumon Oy

Digital International Business student Rushitha Fonseka had the opportunity to do his advanced practical training at Lumon Oy in summer 2023. Watch the video about his positive experiences and how he was introduced to the company.

Practical training at the city of Kouvola and Kohoa Synergiakeskus

In the summer of 2024, the city of Kouvola employed two international students for human resources and communication tasks at the city hall, and for immigrant guidance and counseling tasks at MOONA. In addition, one student completed her internship at the Kohoa Synergiakeskus. In this video, the students talk about their summer experiences.

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🚀 Don’t miss the opportunity to unleash your potential with Patteri & Work Life Path! Join our Simulation of Interviews event on November 16th at 14.00 (Coffee at 13:30), Paja FUEL. Get insights from industry experts:

🔵 Liena Silen (Eezy Personnel):

  • Introduction to Eezy Personnel
  • Finnish work culture
  • Interview etiquette

🔴 Saara Hirsto (Lumon):

  • Introduction to Lumon
  • Key traits sought in candidates

🎤Experience two interview simulation rounds: individual pitches and group interviews. Don’t worry; it’s all about your performance, so everyone has a fair chance!

Ready to shine in your future interviews? Secure your spot today – places are limited!

Looking for part-time job opportunities in Kouvola? Join the ‘International Talents of Kouvola’ event, where you can connect with renowned local recruitment agencies like Amiko, Eezy, and Työvoimaa. Engage with Inspiring Speakers:

▪️ Veronique Sanguinetti: “Innovational Entrepreneurship”

▪️ Angelika Polak and Ria Andrews: “Finnish Work Culture and Integration”

Discover how to integrate into Finnish work culture while exploring exciting part-time job prospects with Work-Life Path, JCI, and Patteri, funded by Otsakorven Säätiö.

The event is at Synergiakeskus Kohoa.

A seminar on how to find a decent job or practical training without losing your mind. The event is held at FUEL, Paja.

13.00 – 13.15 Opening the seminar; Riku Happonen, Project Manager, Xamk

13.15 – 14.15 LEAN Value Chain Leadership; Juha Ketola, Entrepreneur, Kauppavalmennus Oy

14.15 – 14.45 Lumon Opportunities; Saara Hirsto, Talent Acquisition Manager, Lumon Oy

14.45 – 15.15 Stora Enso Opportunities; Anne Ruohoniemi, HR Manager, Stora Enso

The seminar is the opening event of Työelämäpolku – KV-osaajat töihin ESR+ funded project. The project aims to create new practical training & thesis processes for international degree students with major company partners.

Contact us

Digitaalinen talous
Riku Happonen
Project Manager
Xamk liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö
Mikhail Nemilentsev
Principal Lecturer
Social media
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Minna Porvari
RDI Specialist
Social media


Project name:

Work life path

Project duration: 1.1.2023–30.6.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Area of strength: Digital economy


Financier and main source of funding: ESR+, Hämeen ELY-keskus
Total budget: 358 445 €