
New methods to promote water purity

WaterPlus aims to promote water purity and to develop the analysis and monitoring of pollutants, especially microplastics, from stormwater.

Developing the monitoring of pollutans from stormwater

The project” New methods to promote water purity – WaterPlus aims to promote water purity and to develop the analysis and monitoring of pollutants, especially microplastics, from stormwater. In addition, the aim is to develop detection, sampling, and filtration methods for micro- and macroplastics carried with stormwater.

New methods to get information from surface water

The quality and management of stormwater, as well as pollutants and nutrients leaching into water system through them, have been identified as one of the sources of load on water system. From the point of view of load management, it is important to determine the pollutants contained in stormwater. To obtain the information, it is necessary to develop and test new monitoring and purification technologies.

Research data related to stormwater quality is often still scattered and doesn´t serve the needs of urban planning and water protection. Creating a common data platform will facilitate data sharing and increase cooperation between different actors. Citizens’ observations can be used to assist in observations of the state of water system, and so target research and measures in specific areas.

The project will include the following

1)Study of status of South Savo water system for micro- and macroplastics and contaminants
2) Integrating public observations into water status monitoring
3) Piloting of monitoring methods in demonstration sites
4) Development of methods for controlling plastics
5) Development of a platform suitable for sharing environmental information for the needs of water research – Case Mikkeli
6) Communication, information, and implementation of results


Sampling and analysis methods for stormwater pollutants to be developed and tested in the project will provide efficiently more information of the status of stormwater and changes in it. In addition, the project will provide information on various methods suitable for the control and removal of microplastics from water system.

Citizens’ observations and a common data platform create the conditions for collecting even more extensive data on the status of surface waters and help to keep water system clean. The information produced by the project supports the maintenance of clean water in South Savo and prevents the risk from microplastics to environment.

In the spring of 2022, microplastic and harmful substance sampling was carried out in Etelä-Savo. A video of the sampling can be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWgv_gzYQvo

Publication of the project: WaterPlus – Vesistöjen puhtautta edistämässä uusin menetelmin (published only in finnish)

Check out the cartoon!

Along with stormwater, a surprising amount of garbage is carried into natural waters.

Cartoon is in finnish.

Project name:

WaterPlus – New methods to promote water purity

Project duration: 1.4.2021–30.11.2023


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners: Finnish Environment Institute
Focus area: Forest environment and energy


Financier and main source of funding: European Regional Development Fund via South Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Total budget: EUR 708 610
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 431 787

More information

Niina Laurila
Project manager
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
040 570 9502

Hanne Soininen
Head of Research Group, D.Sc. (Tech)
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Science
040 0869 952

Joonas Kahiluoto
Project manager
Finnish Environment Institute
050 320 9965