The Clan of Games
Inclusion with Creative and Gamified Methods
Supported multidisciplinary encounters and more equal working life with creative and gamified methods.
The project is finished.
Project aims to mitigate education and working life gender disparity by changing atmosphere towards equal working environment. Gamified and creative methods used in project improve job-seeker’s readiness to pursue a career. Target groups of this project are outside of education and working life. Also men and women who have partial ability to work can participate in this project. Especially project strives to increase readiness for job-seeking and working life in men that are in danger of exclusion.
- To mitigate and prevent gender segregation and inequality in working life
- To create multidisciplinary, sociocultural operating model for encounters of different groups of people and furthering the participation
- To develop new creative approaches and methods in order to promote encounters of different groups of people
- To increase feelings of inclusion in groups of people that are vulnerable
- To create different kinds of networks where created operating models are put into effect
- Recruitment of target group together with project partners
- Game design with target group
- Lifestyle guidance
- Gamification and IT-skills workshops for special groups, carried out by target group
- Operating model that supports gender disparity mitigation in working life and encounters of different groups of people
- Improving inclusion within target group and increasing the chances of men finding work in female-dominated fields in working life
- New working methods that increase employment and decrease gender segregation in working places
For further interest
- Digital Stories 2.0 – Nonlinear Storytelling in Education
Project name:
The Clan of Games – Inclusion with Creative and Gamified Methods
Project duration:
Lead partner:
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Focus area:
Digital economy
Research centre:
Creative industries
Financier and main source of funding:
The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) of South Savo , European Social Fund, ESF-funding
Total budget:
EUR 270 960
More information
Kirsi Purhonen
Project Manager
+358 44 702 8487