Co-funded by the European Union The Big Green -project

The Big Green

Within the Big Green -project we support the development of a facilitative policy environment to better exploit the potentials of the creative industry in promoting sustainability.

Promoting sustainability & arts!

Overview of the project

In The Big Green -project, we are bringing environmentally-engaged artists under one large-scale umbrella initiative and experiment with innovative ways of using art to promote sustainability. We are sharing best practices and providing guidelines on how artists and scientists can best work together. We aim to build a facilitative policy environment to better exploit the potentials of the creative industry in promoting sustainability.

People in art, design, and culture are eager to do their bit for a better future, and institutions and governments increasingly expect them to.

Xamk’s role in the project is to support policy and framework building by sharing best practices and participating in project measures and discussions. The project has started with forming common goals and practices for the international consortium. Read online-article Common understanding through outlining code-of-conduct for international project consortia (Maunula & Suntola 2024).

Consortium view

The project is coordinated by Pro Progressione and involves actions in 13 European countries. The project investigates

  1. How the cultural and creative (CC) sectors can be more ecologically sustainable?
  2. How artists and others in the CC sectors can catalyse social transformation?
  3. What society can learn from CC practices to achieve a transformation to sustainability?

Creative Europe -project

The Creative Europe programme supports projects to foster cultural diversity, promote artistic expression, and boost the economic potential of the creative industries. The Big Green project focuses on impacts on sustainability and the interface of creativity and environmental science. 

Project events

Further information


Project name:

The Big Green

Project duration: 1.6.2023–31.7.2027


Lead partner: Pro Progressione
Partial partners: Art Transparent, Bazaart Udruzenje, Collective Walden, Interpret Europe, Marche Teatro, New Theatre Institute of Latvia, PINA, Rosendal Theatre, Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH, SERI, Tandem gGmbH, University of Bucharest – Hateg UNESCO Geopark, Xamk, SCIAENA
Other partners: Kouvola innovations and other associate partners in European countries
Focus area: Digital economy
Research area: Creative industries
Research centre: Creative industries
Impact goal: Entrepreneurship and high added value, Environment and sustainability, People and user orientation


Financier and main source of funding: Co-funded by the EU, Creative Europe Fund
Xamk part of the total budget: 88 912 eur


Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Silja Suntola
Project Manager
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Melina Maunula
Project Manager
Responsible consumption and production