Startup Connect
facilitation of startup, entrepreneurship and SME cooperation in the cross-border region.
The project aimed at deepening students’ understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation practices by organizing student-based innovation camps and other cross-border entrepreneurship events.
The project is finished.
Xamk is involved in developing cross-border entrepreneurial student community by promoting Russian and Finnish entrepreneurship societies’ joint entrepreneurial activities.
Xamk is together creating a new model of practical trainings for students as innovators with and in SMEs both in Finland and in Russia.
Higher education and research cooperation with Russia has been freezed since March 4th 2002, according to the recommendation by Ministry of Education and Culture. Ongoing RDI projects can continue without partners from Russia or Belarus
Student’s Manual for Entrepreneurial Activities
In cooperation with Kymenlaakso Startup Ecosystem project,
we produced inspiring Entrepreneur Stories for you!
Please note, some stories are in Finnish, some in English.
Startup Connect project has been closed on April 30, 2021.
Xamk project team thanks all partners and active student participants during the project time!
STARTUP CONNECT – facilitation of startup, entrepreneurship and SME cooperation in the cross-border region project was implemented in cooperation with (lead partner) Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company Cursor Oy, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) & St. Petersburg Foundation for SME Development.
The main project activities in Xamk were the development of entrepreneurial spirit among students and boosting cross-border cooperation in educational activities on entrepreneurship. Xamk has activated entrepreneurial spirit both in Xamk and ITMO universities by offering platforms and channels, information, trainings as well as live and online events with possibilities to join on-the-job training and event management with study credits.
Startup Connect has been the partner organizer in cross-border student event named Innocamp, during which Xamk and ITMO students set out to solve real life business challenges. The event involved students with different backgrounds and studying specialisations, and so the case solving process was entertaining, productive, and informative for all team members. The students learned team working and ideation, and businesses received innovative solutions to their case.
The project has formed a cross-border student entrepreneurship community by conducting student meetups and questionnaires for both Xamk and ITMO students. In addition, the project has marketed the community on various platforms and developed an action plan for piloting an online communication platform to further continue the growth of the cross-border student community. Xamk team has also produced a Student’s Manual for Entrepreneurial Activities to support the work. Patteri Student Entrepreneurship Society (PatteriES) is the main contact point in Xamk for cross-border activities. Please see https://www.patteries.com/
One aspect of evoking and supporting the entrepreneurial spirit in Xamk and ITMO was to offer various ways for students to be involved in organizing startup events. One of the biggest platforms for this is *ship Startup Festival. Please see https://shipfestival.org/
With the help of the *ship recruitment plan and the project networks, Startup Connect has been able to involve students not only to work in *ship but also to create a consistent way for students to turn their work and participation into study credits.
Xamk Startup Community & PatteriES will continue offering students various possibilities to join startup activities. Please see *ship Akatemia – Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu
Marat studies International Business in our university and he participated in Startup Connect program. Antti Leppilampi discussed with Marat about his experiences in participating Startup Connect Kick off and Innocamp, where he got to practice being a team leader in a group.
Marat said that participating in Startup Connect program gave him good practice on how he thinks about leadership and what kind of a leader he is. He told during the interview that his favorite leader is Steve Jobs, because in his last years his leading skills showed a good combination of a democratic and an authoritarian leader. A Finnish leader Matti Alahuhta told in his book “Johtajuus” (2015, 22 – 31) on how the leader of the company needs to know all the people who are working, because they are the biggest strength driving the change inside the company. Alahuhta also told that the leader needs to take a couple of key people to drive the change together with the leader and slowly reduce his role in the company, making the change of responsibilities easier when new staff members join the company. This is something, which might have happened at Apple also during Steve Jobs last years. According to the autobiography (Isaacson, 2016), he gave lots of responsibility for his closest colleague Johnny Ive and later for the current CEO of Apple, Tim Cooke.
During the interview, Marat also told a great example on how to make managers understand all the other company members. He had been listening to his friends, who had worked in McDonalds, where at first, the job is at first cleaning and cooking and then, when time goes by a worker can continue to become a team manager. When being a team manager, who has started from cleaning and cooking, it is easier to reflect and work with your team, because you know how the work is done in different levels.
After Marat will graduate, he isn’t still 100 % sure on what he wants to do, but he has a clue. He wants to work in a company, where he can continue developing all the time. You can check the interview from the long link at the end of the text. Nevertheless, here below is the summary from Marat’s leadership thoughts:
- He likes to facilitate, when being a leader
- He is more in to communication and sharing experiences inside team
- Leader needs to be flexibleHe liked how during Startup Connect Innocamp, the mentors were flexible arranging new schedules, because there was no time for shopping.
- “Leader needs to understand what people really do..”
Ladies and gentlemen, Marat Iangaliev:
Matti Alahuhta – Johtajuus (2015) 22 – 31, Docendo.
Walter Isaacson – Steve Jobs (2016) Otava.
Text written by:
Antti Leppilampi
Innovation camp a new approach on learning
Startup connect – cross border dimensions – what do we offer
It offers support for startups, students entrepreneurship and SME cooperation, in the cross border region of Russia and Finland. It will form a community of leaders and future business leaders, which are ready to concur the world. The Innovation camp is a revolutionary program. It brings together companies and students for Russia and Finland, in that sense from our project partner ITMO university. The program lasts for 1 week and challenge participants to their limits, to come up with disruptive solutions for real-life-cases; turns it into business possibilities and ventures. The InnoCamp brought together entrepreneurial and creative-like-minded students, together with local and international business, to work and suitable solutions.
The idea of the camps are also, to give access to great talent pool, secure regional capacity to attract learning, media visibility and many more benefits. This year we had five different challenges, all of them challenging and valuable for the development of areas and also most important to improve the skill set of the participating students.
Develop the skills of the 21st century
Creativity, professional problem solving skills, team building, multicultural communication, multidisciplinary teamwork and applied design thinking as well as critical thinking. Those are all valuable skills which are needed in the 21st century. It also needs to be mention that personal skills and attitude are as important as professional skills. The Innovation camp offered by Startup Connect project, was the platform for learning all those skills; with the support of international mentors and facilitators, the path to finding the right path was given. It is clear to say that not all students are only participating, to earn credit points, there are ambitious students who really want to develop themselves, and to get valuable experience. The idea behind the Innovation Camp was and is, to increase the learning-by-doing opportunity and to send out the message that learning and entrepreneurship is fun. The camp is demanding and challenging and it needs commitment an passion, so what is that you need to bring with when participating in one of this camp.
A willingness to learn, and boost your personal and professional development, commitment, motivation, open-minded attitude, team working skills and a bag full of energy. Those are only some parts to be mention, but mostly you will learn new skills during the camp.
The overall idea was, to set up multidisciplinary teams form both universities, introducing them to their cases; giving them the necessary tools and support they need. But most of all let them learn and develop the solution on their own. During the camp we were aware of obstacles and difficulties, but with the support of our facilitators; we could keep the balance.
Who were our powerful facilitator team at the Innovation camp?
Our head facilitator was Erik Kristiansen (BRAINS-Denmark) a Danish entrepreneur within education and teaching. Erik has received several awards and recognition’s for designing challenging educational programs accelerating student learning and professional development. Erik is a true professional when it comes on innovation camp, back in 2017 he was also the main facilitator at the 1st *ship Disruption Camp, based on this idea, we developed a new form of camp for students. Cause of Erik´s connections we got very valuable cases to provide for our participants, this helped us to make it even more qualitative better.
Another superhero on the facilitator list is Dr. Neal Hartman, a senior lecturer in managerial communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Neal is a true expert when it comes on communication. at MIT he teaches intercultural communication and emphasizes working in teams, conflict and conflict resolutions, leadership and cross-cultural communication. When somebody can communicate proper then it is for sure Dr. Neal Hartman. The fascinating aspect on him is; he does not have a smart phone, or cell phone, no tablet or social media accounts, and this in the 21st century. Nowadays very hard to imagine, but if you would like to communicate like him; you need to approach the people and start a conversation.
Last but not least we had the great pleasure to welcome Dr. Shai Vyakarnam. Former Director of the Bettany Centre of Entrepreneurship at Cranfield, he also was Director of the Center of Entrepreneurial Learning at the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Shai knows pretty much a lot about entrepreneurship; and heard in his professional life, millions of ideas, now he try to enjoy his retirement, but still loves to come to Finland and work with students.
Inside our project we have, Ksenia Sharapova, Elena Gavrilova (Director of SumIT – SummerSchool at ITMO in St. Petersburg) and Sabine Suorsa. We all supported the teams during their time at the Innocamp.
A unique program that can boost your professional and personal life
The idea of those camps (as mention) is not only to give student credits, know-how or experience and knowledge. Those camps are also the stepping stone to any kind of professional career in your future. With the involvement of local and international companies, opportunities to e.g. job-replacement, training possibilities or getting your dream job are wide open. I personally need to confess, if in my study time those opportunity were given; I would have learnt faster, more effective and with more motivation. You not only learn; how to innovate, being creative or work in a team, you personally get challenged, and pushed you our of your comfort zone. It is not only when standing in front of people and pitch your idea – it is about the guts to really do it.
Vision for the future
Those programs are about re-imagining the learning offering for the 21st century. We need to come up with radical approaches to equip students with the skills needed in the jobs of the future. In other words – teach people how to get their things done in a ever changing world. We connect the next generation of entrepreneurship with mentors worldwide. This helps students to become open-minded, and ready for getting challenged.