European Union, European Regional Development Fund


Seedling production from a laboratory to practical applications

The project is finished.

Project aims

Vegetative propagation of spruce can produce high-quality and well-known, homogeneous forest renewal material. The objective of the SmartTree project is to develop the production and process technology of vegetative propagation.

Project actions

Xamk provides technological solutions to automate the spruce vegetative propagation process. The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) tests the developed solutions with live material. Xamk and Luke together will produce a plan for implementation of vegetative propagation technology platform in Savonlinna and for replicating it for use of pioneering seedling production companies.

Project outcomes

The project outcome is a high-tech pilot scale production solution with modules that support the plant production industry and the forest bioeconomy more widely.
The project combines biological and wood growth specialization of the Natural Resources Institute of Finland with Xamk’s electronics and automation and process technology expertise. The project opens up important high expertise business opportunities for tree breeding in South Savo.

Project name:


Project duration: 1.7.2017–30.6.2019


Lead partner: Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Focus area: Forest environment and energy
Research centre: Electronics 3k factory, Fiberlaboratory


Financier and main source of funding: Executives, Savonlinna City and Regional Council of Etelä-Savo through European Regional Development Fund
Total budget: EUR 757 484
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 422 048
Natural Resources Institute Finland

More information

Hannu Leinonen
lant Manager
+358 50 309 8207