Smart and specialized South Savo – Mikro Growth
MikroX fostered the internationalisation and the growth of micro enterprises of the South Savo region.
The project is finished.
The aim of the project is to implement the strategy of smart specialization by fostering the internationalisation and the growth of micro enterprises by utilising the international networks, various forms of cooperation and multidisciplinary know-how. With these objectives and actions related to them, the aim is to promote the vitality of the South Savo region.
Objectives of the project are:
- to strengthen the know-how of the micro enterprises of the province by bringing them to an internationally competitive level by joining enterprises the operation of innovation ecosystems
- to increase the visibility of the know-how of the smart specialization of the province with international forums
- to bring international research know-how through the cooperation networks for the developing of the sources of vitality of the province and strengthens regional cooperation.
Results of the project are:
- The innovation ecosystems of the province will strengthen when the micro enterprises will come along more strongly in to them.
- The cooperation between the micro enterprises of South Savo and the R&D actors is strengthened by adopting the MicroENTRE Growth Network™ operating model.
- The principle of quick experiments is brought into use in the developing of micro enterprises.
- The growth and export potential of the micro enterprises of the area of operation is brought into use and the special challenges of the growth and export entrepreneurship of the sparsely inhabited areas of the norths are solved.
- The R&D actors commit themselves for the building of the new growth environment of micro enterprises.
The know-how related to the digitalisation of a micro and SME’s of the area is increased. - The cooperation and the know-how network of East and North Finland is strengthened.
Project name:
Smart and specialized South Savo – Mikro Growth (MikroX)
Project duration:
Lead partner:
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners:
University of Oulu
Focus area:
Digital economy, Forest environment and energy, Sustainable wellbeing
Financier and main source of funding:
The Regional Council of South Savo, European Regional Development Fund
Total budget:
EUR 1 213 552
Xamk part of the total budget:
EUR 1 064 628

More information
Noora Talsi
Research director
040 648 5020
Helena Merikoski
research manager
040 648 6617
Timo Partala
research manager
040 596 3533