Co-funded by the EU

RuokoLog – Logistics and availability of lake reed

The RuokoLog project studies the logistic chains of lake reed and how the lake reed availability data can be developed using different methods.

As a result of the project’s activities, the network of the representatives of the local reed sector will expand and learn to identify business opportunities related to reed availability and logistics.

For a more beneficial use of reed, there is reason to study the bottlenecks of reed logistics and availability information.

Lake reed

Lake reed is still a relatively unknown and little-used material in Finland. If we can improve lake reed logistics chains and timely information about the reed availability we can utilize the lake reed more wider and versatile.

There is a big need for practical solutions related to the transportation, processing, storage and availability of lake reed. The equipment, storage facilities, know-how and local knowledge of the peat production industry and industries linked to it, as well as agriculture and forestry, provide opportunities to find solutions that make it easier to get lake reed material into better use.

Lake reed is a versatile and climate-friendly raw material.

Three main themes of the project:

-Improving lake reed availability information using machine learning and satellite and aerial photography.

-Developing and finding sustainable solutions for reed logistic chains. Researching business opportunities related to reed logistics. The utilization of the possibilities offered by the peat production equipment in the logistics of reed is being investigated. The preservation of the characteristics of winter reed during storage and transport is taken into account.

-Platform piloting of the Reed-bank, timely access to information between reed producers and end users is being developed. The goal is to respond better to the demand and supply of lake reed in an up-to-date manner.


Project name:

RuokoLog – Logistics and availability of lake reed

Project duration: 1.3.2024–30.6.2026


Lead partner: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu
Focus area: Logistics and seafaring
Research area: Green transition in logistics
Impact goal: Entrepreneurship and high added value, Environment and sustainability


Financier and main source of funding: Co-Funded by the European Union
Total budget: EUR 424197
EU part of the total budget: EUR 339358


More information

Logistiikka ja merenkulku
Taina Uusiniitty
Project Manager
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Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö

“I am a ‘multimedia artist,’ a gamification enthusiast, and I am deeply interested in game design, AV technology, and culture, as well as their intersections. I am quiet, attentive, and compassionate. I enjoy finding solutions to all kinds of problems.

I work in Kymenlaakso, in Kouvola, at the Kasarminmäki campus in Meduusa Studio. My primary role is as a gamification and digitalization expert in the Creative Industries Research Unit, participating in various projects. I am also enthusiastic about using imagination and often apply the method of ‘Lateral Thinking.’ I am passionate about developing AV and media solutions, digital gadgets, and shaping the present and future of the Future Experience Lab.”

Miikka-Petteri Lesonen
RDI Specialist
Social media
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Rolf Jacksen
RDI Specialist
Logistiikan ja merenkulun koulutusyksikkö
Jouni Ropponen
Senior Lecturer