
Product Validation in Health

ProVaHealth facilitates access to health infrastructures for startups and SMEs.

The project has been completed.

ProVaHealth is a Baltic Sea Region Interreg-project, which facilitates access to health infrastructures for startups and SMEs. It promotes product commercialization based on excellent product validation opportunities, hands-on feedback and input for product development. ProVaHealth involves 14 health Living Labs from the Baltic Sea region and works together with ScanBalt and the European Network of Living Labs.

Project name:

ProVaHealth – Product Validation in Health

Project duration: 1.10.2017–31.3.2020


Lead partner: Foundation Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol
Partial partners: The XAMK Small Business Center is a partner of the project. The project lead partner is Foundation Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol.
Other partners: In the project consortia involved 17 partner organizations from the Baltic Sea Region (EE, DK, FI, DE, LV, LT, PL, SE).
Focus area: Digital economy


Financier and main source of funding: Financers and main source of funding: Interreg Baltic Sea Region ERDF-funding, national co-financing from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Total budget: 3 022 842,70 euros
Xamk part of the total budget: 177 945 euros

Contact info

Natalia Narits
Project Manager
Tel. 040 563 8453