Production kitchens and catering
We develop processes for professional kitchens and the catering industry, with the goal of improving ergonomics and productivity.
Developing occupational well-being and work productivity in professional kitchens.
Strenuous and irregular work.
The challenges faced by professional kitchens and the catering industry generally stem from changing conditions and pressure. Under time pressure, for example, well-planned lifting techniques are often forgotten or not applied, and pre-agreed practices are not followed.
The collaboration of the expertise and professionals from three universities of applied sciences (Turku, Haaga-Helia, and South-Eastern Finland) to solve the current problem is an advantage for companies that should be utilized. Experts in ergonomics, food services, and process thinking are available to the participating companies across regional boundaries. One of our tools is the participatory LAPPI method, which helps staff identify problems and collectively consider solutions.
The project’s actions will have a long-term impact on improving the efficiency of professional kitchens and the catering industry, as well as reducing sick leave.
The costs for the collaborating companies consist of moderate staff time and de minimis support, which amounts to 2600 euros for the entire project. No separate participation fee is charged from the project participants.
Ergonomics from three perspectives.
In addition to physical strain, cognitive and organizational stress are often observed, which affect the working conditions in professional kitchens and the catering industry
Current issues
The following upcoming events will be held after the summer of 2025, and we will provide information about them in this section. Currently, we are working with our partner companies and supporting their development projects. If your company is interested in enhancing operations with a focus on ergonomics and occupational well-being, please contact us.
Key actions and participation of collaborating companies
The actions of the KetCat project are divided into four development phases. Each collaborating company’s participation is focused on a selected phase and a follow-up results survey. The content of the development phases is uniform, allowing each participating company to utilize the same materials as part of their own operations. A company can also participate as a collaborator without being involved in the development actions, yet still expand the knowledge of its employees regarding ergonomics and process development.
The following actions will be carried out with the collaborating companies committed to development:
- Review of the current situation (company management)
- Use of the LAPPI method (staff)
- Identification of development areas (company management)
- Measurement of the current state of development areas (staff)
- Prioritization and selection of development areas (company management)
- Planning of development work (company management and staff)
- Development work (staff)
- Follow-up measurements (staff)
The project has four development phases. Each phase lasts approximately 7 months, and the collaborating companies commit to one development phase. To verify the results, a follow-up measurement will be conducted in each collaborating company four months after the end of each development phase.
Phase I: 1st January 2025 – 31st August 2025
Phase II: 1st September 2025 – 31st March 2026
Phase III: 4th January 2026 – 30th November 2026
Phase IV: 1st December 2026 – 30th June 2027
With each collaborating company committed to the actions, at least the items outlined in the ‘Actions during the development phases’ section will be carried out. The time allocation for the collaborating company depends on the amount of work required for the selected development action. At least three workshop-style meetings will be held with the staff involved in the development during the development phase. Each workshop will last 2-4 hours.
A company can also participate in the project as a collaborator without being involved in the development phase or actions. In this case, the project’s training sessions and webinars will be available to your company, and you can participate in learning practices for improving ergonomics and operational efficiency.
If you wish to join the KetCat project or need more information, please contact us. The individuals listed below will respond to your inquiries and guide you toward the development of your operations. Activities are organized regionally, and you can contact the person nearest to you.
Recruitment of collaborating companies (Uusimaa and Southwest Finland)
Vesa Heikkinen, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, vesa.heikkinen(at)haaga-helia.fi
Project Manager and recruitment of collaborating companies (Eastern and Southeastern Finland)
Teemu Pulkkinen, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, teemu.pulkkinen(at)xamk.fi
Project Manager, Paula Savolainen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, paula.savolainen(at)turkuamk.fi
Project Manager, Altti Lagstedt, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, altti.lagstedt(at)haaga-helia.fi
De minimis support refers to minor aid that a company can receive, up to 300,000 euros over a three-year period. In the KetCat project, companies participating in the actions will accumulate de minimis support of 2,600 euros, which is composed of receiving expert services. You can find more detailed information and a guide on de minimis support from the Ministry of Employment and the Economy via the button below.
Project objectives and results
The main objective of the project is to combine ergonomic recommendations for professional kitchens and the catering industry with process development and efficiency practices into a functional whole. The goal is that the ergonomic guidelines and work methods do not remain isolated, and that process optimization does not increase physical and mental workload. The core of process development is a participatory approach (LAPPI model), utilizing data-driven management, digitalization, and artificial intelligence to anticipate and balance work burdens. The result will be a development model, which will be published at the end of the project in the Professional Kitchen and Catering Industry Handbook.
Occupational well-being for professional kitchens and the catering industry webinar, 12th February 2025
The webinar covered occupational well-being in professional kitchens and the catering industry (Ursula Hyrkkänen, Turku University of Applied Sciences) and focused on ergonomics in the design of equipment for professional kitchens (Veera Hakanen, Metos Oy). In the workshops, participants discussed the day’s topics and exchanged views on the current practices in the industry.

Parempi työelämä! (Better Working Life!)
Parempi työelämä! (Better Working Life!) is a national project coordinating the development of working life.
The national working life development initiative aims for effective working life. The KetCat project works closely with the Better Working Life! coordination project.
The coordination project offers, among other things, the QWL (Quality of Working Life) measurement for use by cooperating projects. The selected measurement, consisting of fifteen questions, aims to assess the quality of working life as experienced by employees.

Contact information
The project is being implemented in collaboration with the universities of applied sciences in Turku (TUAS), Haaga-Helia (HHUAS), and South-Eastern Finland (Xamk).
Email: paula.savolainen(at)turkuamk.fi
Phone: +358 44 9075 478
Email: altti.lagstedt(at)haaga-helia.fi
Phone: +358 29 447 1259
Email: teemu.pulkkinen(at)xamk.fi
Phone: +358 050 479 6569
Email: tiina.yrjola(at)haaga-helia.fi
Phone: +358 50 468 2014
Email: sakari.ketolainen(at)haaga-helia.fi
Phone: +358 40 488 7327
Email: ursula.hyrkkanen(at)turkuamk.fi
Phone: +358 50 598 5467
Email: jarmo.ahonen(at)turkuamk.fi
Phone: +358 40 355 0325
Email: merja.ylonen(at)xamk.fi
Phone: +358 40 709 4834
Production kitchens and catering – KetCat
Turku University of Applied Sciences’ share of the total budget: 377 081 euros.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences share of the total budget: 289 940 euros.