
Open online course in new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of foot pathologies

Developing, together with European Universities, the valitaded POTRAIN on-line course for European podiatrist and foot care professionals.

The project is finished.


The main objective of PODIATRAIN project is to develop and test an on-line course addressed to European Podiatrists aimed to complement the educational programme and the learning outcomes covered by the corresponding degree considering the new advances in this area.


High Education: Curriculum of PODIATRAIN course

1. Definition of the training preferences for PODIATRAIN course (UCV, Xamk, UoM, IBV )

2. Generation of the High Education curriculum of PODIATRAIN course (UCV, IBV)

3. Formative contents and complementary materials of PODIATRAIN course

4. Elaboration of the session contents (Xamk. UoM)

5. Elaboration of complementary materials (UCV, IBV)

6. Layout of the contents (IBV)

7. Improvement and translation of the contents from English into other languages (IBV  and UCV into Spanish, XAMK into Finnish, UoM

into Maltese)

Validated PODIATRAIN on-line course

8. First prototype of the course in English implemented into the e-learning platform (IBV)

9. Pilot test to validate the course (IBV, UCV, Xamk, UoM)


UoM=University of Malta, UCV=University of Valencia, IBV=Institute de Biomecanica, XAMK=South-Eastern Finland University

Session 1: Introduction to Podiatric Biomechanics, UoM

Session 2: Pharadigms and Theories, UCV

Session 3: Application paradigms, strengths and weaknesses, UCV

Session 4: Technlogies for the biomechanical assessment for the patient  PART 1, IBV

Session 5: Techlogies for the biomechanical assessment for the patient  PART 2, IBV

Session 6: CAD/CAM systems and 3D printing, IBV

Case study 1 Assessing a normal foot, XAMK

Case study 2 Diabetic foot, UoM

Case study 3 Rheumatoid foot, UoM

Case study 4 Metatarsalgia, UoM

Case study 5 Sport injuries, UCV

Case study 6 Plantarfasciitis, XAMK

Case study 7 Paediatric foot, UCV


Expected results

  • Valitaded POTRAIN on-line course in Europa
  • Common knowledge based course trans European countries
  • Increase foot health professionals and podiatrist´ professional valuable and profile

Achievement results

Link to the results of the Pilot Course

Poster of the project

Link to the new poster: Poster_Podiatrain_Divulgacion

Futher information  http://www.podiatrain.eu/en/about-the-project/

Project name:

Podiatrain – Open online course in new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of foot pathologies

Project duration: 1.10.2016–31.3.2019


Lead partner: Fundacion Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martiner (UCV)
Partial partners: Univeristy of Malta (UoM), Instituto de biomecanica de Valencia (IBV), South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing


Financier and main source of funding: EU Erasmusrahoitus 2016-1-ES01-KA203-024997
Total budget: EUR 273 266
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 74 062

More information

Arja Kiviaho-Tiippana
Principal Lecturer, Ph.D. (Health Sci., Nutr.)
050 312 5106