Co-funded by the EU



In this project we aim to increase the understanding of different ways the principles of peace education can be best adapted to the principles of non-formal learning to support youth workers in engaging with it. We want to support youth workers to recognize their important role as European peace educators and give them the necessary tools to implement the peace education approach in their work with young people in non-formal learning environments.

What we do


We will organize dialogue workshops for youth workers collecting good practices and key challenges in combining peace education and youth work. Using the workshops as basis, we will then develop an educational material package with the title “Youth Worker as a Peace Educator”. This material will support any youth work organization or youth worker to adopt this approach to their regular work in practice. All produced material will be disseminated through our partner network across Europe.


  • Dialogue workshop model for youth workers regarding their role as peace educators
  • Developing and publishing an evidence-based educational material package with the title “Youth Worker as a Peace Educator” based on the national dialogue workshops with youth workers
  • All of the produced material will be published as a model for adapting peace education to youth work. This model can be implemented in non-formal learning environments and used as material in formal learning.


Project Manager Elisa Suominen

+358 50 473 2527


Project name:


Project duration: 1.9.2023–31.8.2026


Lead partner: Xamk
Partial partners: Rauhankasvatusinstituutti (RKI), BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Önkormányzati Társaság, MONDO MTU – NGO MONDO, EESTI NOORSOOTOOTAJATE KOGU
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing
Research area: Equality and empowerment of youth
Research centre: Juvenia
Impact goal: People and user orientation


Financier and main source of funding: Erasmus+
Total budget: 400 000