Co-funded by the European Union Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
People around the table are planning together.

Participating together

Activities that strengthen the development of the conditions for citizen-oriented activities and the experiences of participation in Mikkeli. 

Let’s participate 2gether!

Participating 2gether

Participating 2gether is a joint group project of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and the City of Mikkeli. Juvenia the Youth Research and Development Center of South- Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is the administer of this project.  

The aim of the project is to promote the opportunities of the people of Mikkeli to influence the development of the city and the surrounding environment, and to support their participation in decision-making and service planning. The aim is to strengthen the conditions for civic activities, strengthen community spirit and well-being, and increase the experience of being part of a community. 

Tell us your ideas!

Tell us your ideas for promoting the well-being and community spirit of the people of Mikkeli. 

Do you have wishes or ideas that we could be involved in? We are happy to hear the thoughts of people of Mikkeli. You can contact us on Instagram, Facebook, by phone or email. 

This is what we do!

  1. Strengthening the conditions for civic activity 
  2. Developing meeting place activities 
  3. Strengthening young people’s abilities to influence 
  4. A network of actors that strengthen civic action and participation will be created. 
  5. Outreaching wellbeing work is being developed 
  6. Participatory design is being developed 

As a result of the project, the residents’ opportunities to influence the development of the city and the surrounding environment and to participate in decision-making will increase, the conditions for participation will improve, the risk of exclusion will decrease, the conditions for employment will improve and the regional sense of community will improve. The cooperation of the various parties participating in the projects’ activities is getting tighter and participation skills are improving. New ways and methods to strengthen civic action and participation will be created.  

You can find more information about the project and our current activities on Instagram @yhdessaosallistuen and on Facebook @yhdessaosallistuen.



Project name:

Participating together

Project duration: 1.9.2023–31.3.2026


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Partial partners: City of Mikkeli
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing
Research area: Equality and empowerment of youth
Research centre: Juvenia


Financier and main source of funding: Co-funded by European Union (ESR+), South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Total budget: EUR 951,677
EU part of the total budget: EUR 761,342
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 468,294

Funding from EU for Xamk is EUR 374,636 and for City of Mikkeli EUR 386,706 .

Project partners

Ask for more information!

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Science
Juvenia – Youth Research and Development Centre

Project manager
Anna Parta
+358 50 463 7788

Ilona Halmesmäki
+358 50 476 8836

Jenna Romppanen
+358 50 449 5005

City of Mikkeli

Project manager
Hanna Valjakka
+358 40 737 6811

Project specialist
Janita Taivalantti
+358 40 575 1683

Project specialist
Emmi Tuhkanen