Co-funded by the EU


Diversifying career paths

We help creating future opportunities for immigrants.

Equality in education and working life.

Career paths

The project aims to lower the threshold towards studies and worklife. We are working with people, who would unlikely be reaching to college or university studies. With the project actions, we encourage people to think and recognize their future possibilities and also reach their dreams.

The project utilizes art-oriented methods which can be used to strengthen participation and interaction and learn new skills that can be transferred to working life.

Use your momentum

– Momentum actions –
for immigrants over 29 year olds,
living in Kymenlaakso region

Workshop series

Use your opportunity to strengthen your own path towards education and working life by participating to workshops.

  • You have an opportunity to meet new people and learn group working skills by participating to Momentum-workshops.

Campus visits

Come and take a guided tour of the study opportunities offered by Xamk, in Kouvola and Kotka campus.

  • We want to help you to solve any possible obstacle regarding to applying to university studies.

Worklife coaching

If you need personal support and guidance, worklife coaching is for you.

  • Through worklife coaching, you can discover your own strengths and clarify your path toward working life and education.

– Momentum actions –
for Kymenlaakso region employers

Workshop series

Use your opportunity to strengthen your skills to develop more diverse work community by participating to Momentum actions.

  • We are arranging workshop series for employers, who wants to learn more about the possibilities to employ international person.

Contact us

Project manager: Enni Jaatinen

044 702 8776 | enni.jaatinen(a)

Lecturer, language teacher: Marja-Liisa Sirén-Huhtinen

044 702 8530 | marja-liisa.siren-huhtinen(a)

RDI specialist: Sonja Hokkanen

050 4338523 | sonja.hokkanen(a)

Worklife coach: Emmi Karhutaival

044 493 5697 | emmi.karhutaival(a)

Experiences and articles


Project name:

Momentum – Diversifying career paths

Project duration: 1.9.2023–31.1.2026


Lead partner: Live foundation
Partial partners: LAB University of Applied Sciences | South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Focus area: Digital economy
Research area: Creative industries
Research centre: Creative industries
Impact goal: People and user orientation


Financier and main source of funding: Häme ELY-keskus – Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment | Co-funded by the European Union (ESR+)
Total budget: 434 453 €


education Kymenlaakso regional development