European Union, European Social Fund Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

Learn a job! Support to get a job despite of learning difficulties

The project aimed to support young people with learning difficulties to get a job in open labour market.

The project is finished.

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) and Finnish Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD) conduct a development project during the year 2017 in order to provide support for young people with learning difficulties to find jobs in Southern Savo region. The project has gained funding from European Social Fund and Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment.

There will be support for young people with learning difficulties to get a job from open labour markets. Professionals in the service sector feel, that there are no sufficient tools available to support these young people to get employed and many young people feel, that they don´t get sufficient support in finding a workplace.

There is a need in the service system to develop tools, practices and forms of client-work with which their opportunities to get a job could be enhanced. This project counters those challenges for its part.

Employment training to support young people to get a job

A special, supportive training model is experimented in the project. The model is experimented with collaborative action between young people with learning difficulties, employers and employment trainers. It is crucial in the experiment to meet the needs of young people for special support in working-life processes in order to define a set of personal support for them. There will also be help for young people with learning difficulties to seek for workplaces In Southern Savo region.

The project enables young people and employers to encounter so that prejudices towards learning difficulties will diminish, social skills of young people will accumulate and knowledge concerning practices of working life will increase.

Project has gained backing from provincial employment, educational and youth services as well as private and social enterprises. There will be efforts to establish the model in the sector of services provided for young people so that it´s possible to develop it further for provincial needs.

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For further interest

  • VAINU – Vaikeimmin työllistyvät nuoret palvelujärjestelmässä
Project name:

Learn a job! Support to get a job despite of learning difficulties

Project duration: 1.1.–31.12.2017


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)
Partial partners: Finnish Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD)
Focus area: Sustainable wellbeing
Research centre: Juvenia


Financier and main source of funding: Etelä-Savon ELY-keskus Euroopan sosiaalirahastosta
Total budget: EUR 82 407
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 65 298

More information

Susan Eriksson
Project manager
040 684 7702

Simo Klem
Finnish Association for Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD)