Kymistämö compiled a snapshot of the need for talent and vitality and guided actors towards phenomenon-oriented network cooperation in Kymenlaakso.
Future Thrives in Kymenlaakso!
Kymistämö focused on the overall picture.
Kymistämö focused on understanding the overall skills needs and addressing skills demand as a phenomenon. Anticipating these needs, securing the workforce, and boosting regional vitality are central to their development measures.
However, projects and initiatives are often short-lived, and even successful results can be forgotten. This project identified the strengths of various organisations and united the talents of different actors. A roadmap was created to transparently guide development activities towards a sustainable and successful future for Kymenlaakso.
Please find more detailed information on the results on the Finnish website. This page provides only the main points of the activities in English.
The final outcome is recommendations for action!
We were seeking answers to these questions:
What does Kymenlaakso have to offer to talented people to attract and/or retain them in the region?
What kind of images of Kymenlaakso do young people in particular have?
What are Kymenlaakso’s future talent needs?
How could the region respond more effectively to the needs of skilled workers?
This is how we moved forward:
We formed a complex and holistic snapshot of the phenomenon of talent needs, focusing on the sectors that were growing in importance and on the strategy for smart specialisation in Kymenlaakso.
Brought together the results and lessons learned from previous development activities and existing networks working on the phenomenon. Experiments were used to enrich the information gathered: they filled knowledge gaps or reinforced good practices.
Examined the image of the Kymenlaakso region and challenged the images of the future associated with the region from the point of view of different target groups. The service design process focused in particular on young people and students but also took into account different life cycle stages more broadly.
Linked the education field to regional development by identifying the strengths and regional specificities of different education organisations.
Youth in Kymenlaakso – A Guide to the Future
Published in August 2024, this guide compiles future-oriented data and insights for teachers, education and guidance professionals, and to support the broader development of the region.
More information is needed about the opportunities in the region, and the challenges must be addressed together. Actions that support young people’s confidence in their future are also part of a broader regional vitality effort. At its best, increasing positive future discussions enhances young people’s well-being and gives them hope. Conversely, problems can lead to a lack of prospects and hinder employment.
All secondary schools and high schools in Kymenlaakso will receive the new guide, which provides information on issues affecting the future of young people in the region. The guide particularly highlights employment-related issues, challenges in youth mental health, and skills development.
The guide available only in Finnish.

Bidding for Progress – How Would International Students Reshape Kymenlaakso
This exercise was part of the Kymistämö project’s efforts to enhance understanding of Kymenlaakso’s future from the perspective of young people.
A gamified team-building exercise challenged Xamk and LUT University students to contemplate the future vision statements for Kymenlaakso. The winning development areas focused on working life and operational culture because the students found employment, entrepreneurship, and collaboration to be challenging.
For Kymenlaakso RDI stakeholders, this exercise produced valuable information from international students’ perspective. International students’ opinions are needed in the region to ensure a sufficient workforce, and by involving them in development, the existing capabilities are enriched!.
We felt that the operational culture included many points from the other topics, too.
KYMISTÄMÖ INITIAVE: Kymenlaakso’s Future Workshop 2024
Foresight is the process of anticipating future trends and potential scenarios to guide present-day decisions. The main foresight event in Kymenlaakso, the Future Workshop, was held for the seventh time on April 23, 2024, in Kouvola. This annual event addresses varying themes based on changes and challenges in the operating environment, providing a vital platform for proactive regional development.
This year’s workshop specifically tackled topics concerning the future of young people, emphasizing the importance of making Kymenlaakso more attractive to youth. Employment plays a significant role, especially in light of the current TE24 reforms, which reorganize employment services and naturally impact young people.
KYMISTÄMÖ INITIATIVE: Fostering Future Opportunities For Kymenlaakso’s Youth
Kymenlaakso has the potential to provide a promising future for its residents, but more emphasis is needed on informing youngsters, their families, and educators about the opportunities available in the region. Improved communication can address part of this challenge. However, a good life does not build itself; genuine everyday experiences, flexible studies, and meaningful work are essential.