Circular economy center of excellence
The aim of the project was to create a KOSKES concept for circular economy center of excellence to be located in the Hyötyvirta business area in Kymenlaakso region, Finland.
The project has been completed.
The aim of the project was to create a KOSKES concept for circular economy center of excellence to be located in the Hyötyvirta business area in Kymenlaakso region, Finland. The project was coordinated by regional development company Kouvola Innovation. The project brought together companies, business development organizations and educational institutions to develop a common vision for future. The work is continued in DIKIEKO – Digital Circular Economy Ecosystem project (9/2021-8/2023).
The KOSKES project created a platform to support and develop the competitiveness of businesses related to circular economy. KOSKES activities were planned, and their implementation will be agreed upon after the project has ended.
The project included the following steps:
a. Creation of enterprise development platform and ecosystem
b. New training activities in co-operation with businesses and the world of work (learning environment)
c. Functioning as part of international circular economy network
d. Innovative construction process planned and ready to be implemented
As a result of the project new business opportunities are created, the re-use of materials enhanced and low carbon and resource efficiency measures promoted. The project was in line with Kymenlaakso’s Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) and supported its implementation.
RDI concept
The outlined R&D-concept of the Circular Economy Center of Excellence includes the following research themes:
- Circular economy materials and design,
- Renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, and
- Carbon sequestration and biochar.
In addition, the project created a service and bioproduct design platform that supports service development and the development of the local circular economy ecosystem. The continuum of development of the know-how and networks of the Research centre for bio and circular economy – BioSampo of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, was taken into account in the planning and preparation of the R&D concept, which supports regional circular economy development on an industrial scale.
RDI and education collaboration has been utilised in the KOSKES-project to come up
with different ideas for possible operations within a regional circular economy centre of
expertise, planned in the RDI-project. Some examples are presented in the following article:
Circular bioeconomy RDI and education as regional influencers Maunula, M. & Tallinen, K. In: Xamk Beyond 2021. Sustainable development and social responsibility. Xamk Research 22. Neuvonen-Rauhala, M-L. & Weaver, C. (Eds) pp. 72-84
Other projects from the same field
- DIKIEKO – Digital Circular Economy Ecosystem
KOSKES – Circular economy center of excellence

Contact info
Melina Maunula
Project Specialist, M.Sc.
Forest, the environment and energy focus area
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)
+358 44 7028521
Paraatikenttä 7FI-45100 Kouvola
Jaana Kyhyräinen
Circular Economy Kouvola
Kouvola Innovation
+358 20 615 9480