Co-funded by the EU

KEKE – Boosting sustainable food sector in Kymenlaakso

“KEKE – Boosting Sustainable Food Sector in Kymenlaakso” is an ambitious development and cooperation project that implements the food sector’s growth leap and related investments in laboratory facilities. 

Leep for the future

Vitality for food sector through cooperation

“KEKE – Boosting Sustainable Food Sector in Kymenlaakso” project is implemented as a joint project of the main applicant Kouvola Innovation Ltd and the partners South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, LUT University, Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd Eduko and ProAgria Southern Finland.

Projects target area is Kymenlaakso and its counties Kouvola, Kotka, Hamina, Miehikkälä, Virolahti and Pyhtää.

KEKE projects main goal is to strengthen the regions vitality and diversify its economic structure by creating business opportunities and jobs for the sector. The specific objectives are to increase Research-, Development- and Innovation cooperation and know-how in the field, promote sustainable food production and make more versatile use of raw materials from nature, support companies’ renewal, ability to change and growth-oriented value development and increase the added value of products and promote the internationalisation potential of the food and drink companies in the region.

The productivity of the sector will be improved by the comprehensive involvement of the value network.

New food sector trainings in the region and laboratory investments carried out by Xamk, Eduko and LUT in a parallel investment project will both bring a special boost to the project.

KEKE responds to the goals of Kymenlaakso’s regional transition plan by investing especially in diversification of the regional economy and creation of new business opportunities and jobs. New growth is sought from the emerging food sector and the increase in the added value of products, as well as strengthening the skills of companies and the development organisations who support them. The growth and renewal of companies is supported by investing in Research-, Development- and Innovation activities.

The investments made in the project, increasing competence and building a cooperation model for the network will enable strengthening of technology-based RDI cooperation in the food and natural products sector in Kymenlaakso and its growth-oriented value development, as well as increasing the recognition and attractiveness of the sector. Product development and the entire value chain from initial production to trade and consumers will be reviewed. The productivity of the sector will be improved by the comprehensive involvement of the value network and shift from selling merely raw materials to gaining added and processing value. Particularly noteworthy is the systematic construction of the value network of natural products, which brings opportunities to stand out in the competition and has significant export potential. At the same time, the food sector’s resilience will be strengthened and earning opportunities diversified.

Main Goals – Xamk

The Analysis and testing center for product development and innovations

Strengthen Research-, testing- and product development collaboration with companies

New innovations for food sector

Students and companies collaboration in Kymenlaakso region

Work Package 3 – Product development and innovations

The development project is divided into seven synergic work packages. Xamk has the work package three: with the aim of conceptualising and launching new innovation environments built through laboratory investments, strengthening research, testing and product development cooperation at the business interface, developing new innovations and engaging students in business cooperation and the region.

Xamk has a new food sector bachelor degree programme “Kehittyvä elintarviketekniikka- engineer” which supports KEKE project. Education focuses is in prosessing, product development, packaking, productization and food safety of plant-based raw materials and groceries.

Read more about the education (in Finnish)

The Analysis- and testing center Xamk FoodLab

As part of the KEKE project Xamk built a new Analysis- and testing center in Kouvola. The Analysis- and testing center was named as Xamk FoodLab and has different types of research-, testing- and product development environments.

Versatile environment for testing and innovations.

The Analysis and testing center provides space and machinery for Kymenlaakso’s food sector to use. There is also a possibility to use consultants and students as part of the process. Product development kitchen is designed to provide a small testing environment for small scale testing. You can compare our Process Hall to a food processing factory where you can test, develop and optimize food products. Chemistry and microbiology lab offers different kind analysis of raw materials and food products. Developed products can be evaluated through Sensory evaluation.


Project name:

KEKE – Boosting sustainable food sector in Kymenlaakso

Project duration: 1.10.2023–30.6.2026


Lead partner: Kouvola Innovation Ltd KINNO
Partial partners: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk, LUT University, Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd Eduko, ProAgria Southern Finland.
Other partners: The Finnish Forest Institute


Financier and main source of funding: Co-funded by the European Union and Kymenlaakson liitto
Total budget: 4 488 848 €
Xamk part of the total budget: 1 264 457 €
Metsätalouden, elintarvike- ja ympäristöteknologia
Anu Koverola
Project Manager
Metsätalouden, elintarvike- ja ympäristöteknologia
Mari Järvenmäki
Senior Lecturer
Metsätalouden, elintarvike- ja ympäristöteknologia
Marjo Malinen
Senior Lecturer
Metsätalouden, elintarvike- ja ympäristöteknologia
Taru Nuorkivi
Senior Lecturer
Metsätalouden, elintarvike- ja ympäristöteknologia
Piia Rommi
RDI Specialist

Project partners
