Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment


Improving of Food Safety and Lowering of Carbon emission of Fresh Produce Food Chain by educating farms

The primary aim of the project was to transfer new research results about food safety for primary producers of fresh produce.

The project is finished.

The primary aim of the project was to transfer new research results about food safety for primary producers of fresh produce, and through this reduce the food spill of fresh produce. Through the better quality and food safety of fresh produce it is possible to reduce the food spills and have better profitability.

As a result of the project, the primary producers have new knowledge for reducing the food spill and enhancing the quality of fresh produce. Project outputs are new how-to materials for the primary producers. These materials help them to adopt new food safety certificate systems.

The main target group of the project were primary producers of fresh produce in South Savolax. There were four course topics:

1. The primary production of fresh produce in practice: processes during primary production and packing of fresh produce, and the quality systems. 5 study points.
2. Enhancing the food quality and safety of fresh produce: food borne pathogens in the primary production of fresh produce – deeper view. 5 study points.
3. Contact materials, biocides and pest control. 5 study points.
4. The sustainability indicators of primary production, food spills management of fresh produce by the applicable methods and traceability of fresh produce. 5 study points.

Study material is accessible at https://urly.fi/JDG

The project was funded by European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and companies. The duration of the project was 1.12.2015-28.12.207. This was the collaborative project of Ruralia-Institute, University of Helsinki and South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences.

Project name:

Kastu – Improving of Food Safety and Lowering of Carbon emission of Fresh Produce Food Chain by educating farms

Project duration: 1.12.2015–28.2.2017


Lead partner: Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutti
Partial partners: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu
Focus area: Forest environment and energy


Financier and main source of funding: Etelä-Savon ELY-keskus Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahastosta
Total budget: EUR 125 000

More information

Riina Tuominen
Project manager
040 637 1482