Co-funded by the EU


– expertise and support for project development

The project supports organizations in the South Savo region in applying for and implementing impactful citizen-initiated ESF+ development projects.

JELPPIS – Expertise and Support for Project Development, i.e., Coordination and Communication Project for Citizen-Initiated Development:

  1. Support organizations in the South Savo region in applying for and implementing impactful citizen-initiated ESF+ development projects.
  2. Strengthen the project expertise of organizations.
  3. Support the activities of citizen-initiated ESF+ projects and the cooperation of these projects.

The coordination project’s activities cover the entire South Savo region. The project works closely with the funding experts of the ELY Centre, including organizing structural fund calls. The project also explores methods to ensure the self-financing portion required for projects. Self-financing should not be an obstacle to the implementation of necessary projects. The main target group of the project is organization actors, and the indirect target group includes municipalities.

Project Activities:

  • Organize open workshops, pilots, and events to support project planning, as well as individual coaching. The aim is to encourage organizations in the region to apply for funding from calls for developing civic activities. Additionally, workshops will be organized for individuals and groups, where they will work under the guidance of project experts using various methods.
  • Provide information and guidance on project planning and applying for ESF+ funding, and inform organizations, especially non-profits, about funding calls.
  • Coordination and cooperation between projects are supported through joint events and a shared steering group. The coordination project increases the interest and expertise of project participants in evaluating project impacts and effectiveness, and it encourages and guides projects in communicating and informing about their activities, especially the results achieved.

The Jelppis project can provide support and guidance in negotiations and in seeking self-financing.

As a result of the activities

  • Organizations operating in the South Savo region have received concrete support and tools for project planning and implementation, and their project expertise has increased.
  • Communication and information dissemination by organizations have improved, and projects are gaining visibility.
  • The project has promoted cooperation between organizations and municipalities, resulting in a network of project developers within the organizations.
  • The participants of the project have acquired new expertise, new methods, and approaches for project planning and participation in the project, strengthening their own resources, as well as fostering good interaction between organizations.
  • The participants’ ability to lead their own organizational work and coordinate their daily activities with projects has strengthened.
  • The project has generated functional practices, methods, and materials that can be used as support for projects.
  • Project activities have strengthened, organizations are more confident in seeking funding, and the results of their projects have impacts and effectiveness.

Citizen-Initiated Projects in the South Savo Region

The JELPPIS project supports emerging citizen-initiated ESF+ development projects in the South Savo region. The initiated projects form a network where project participants receive peer support and mutual coaching for project work. Additionally, the JELPPIS project provides training for project participants, manages project steering group activities, and supports project communication. The network expands as new projects start and join the network.

Nuorisoalan tutkimus- ja kehittämisyksikkö Juvenia
Annastiina Vesterinen
Project Manager
Nuorisoalan tutkimus- ja kehittämisyksikkö Juvenia
Emmi Nykänen
RDI Specialist

The initiated citizen-initiated ESF+ projects in South Savo.

The goal of the project is to promote the participation of residents in Mikkeli and their opportunities to influence the development of the city and its surrounding areas. Through its activities, the project aims to support their involvement in decision-making and service planning. The objective is to strengthen the prerequisites for civic engagement, enhance community cohesion and well-being, and increase the sense of belonging to the community.

More information:
Elisa Suominen,

“Well-Being Creator” offers young adults the opportunity to participate in hacklab and maker activities in Mikkeli. Hacklab and maker activities involve creative and innovative work using various technologies, materials, and tools. The project aims to promote the well-being, learning, and sense of community among participants.

On the project’s website, you can learn more about the content, background, and funding of the project. You can also find the project’s social media platforms, where content about the project’s activities is regularly posted. You can follow the progress of the project and see the projects that participants have implemented.

“Well-Being Creator” is a project that inspires young adults to create, learn, and share. Come join us in creating well-being!

More information:
Juuso Kolehmainen,

Through the “Voimaa ja valoa elämään” project, the aim is to strengthen people’s functional capacity, resilience, and coping mechanisms. It’s about finding strength and light in life while simultaneously supporting the ability to cope with studying and working, as well as reinforcing engagement in them.

The project is carried out in collaboration with four partner organizations:

  • Mikkelin seudun Omaishoitajat ja Läheiset ry
  • Mikkelin kriisikeskus
  • Uutta elämää Group
  • VIOLA – Väkivallasta vapaaksi ry

The project offers a new kind of longer-term support tailored to individual needs by combining the specialized expertise of professional social and healthcare organizations.

Activities are carried out in the areas of Mikkeli City and Kangasniemi Municipality. The development work involves participation from organizations within the professional social and healthcare network, Ohjaamo Olkkari, as well as stakeholders from Mikkeli City and Kangasniemi Municipality.

More information:
Ilona Halmesmäki,

“Zetanes” means “together” in Romani. In the Zetanes-together project, young people in Mikkeli are supported, among other things, in their studies, and meaningful leisure activities are provided, such as at Rukella. Additionally, the project involves going out into the city to meet young people.

More information:
Janne Blomerus,

Mikkeli Racing Club and Mikkeli Skiers are implementing a group project aimed at developing lifestyle guidance provided by sports clubs, especially for vulnerable families, young people, and residents of the more remote areas of Mikkeli. The goal is to enhance the holistic well-being of participants. The project offers group activities as well as individual guidance.

More information:

Anneli Koivunen
044 737 7254

The aim of the project is to increase physical activity and enhance holistic well-being among the unemployed and those outside the workforce. The project also focuses on strengthening the expertise of professionals working with unemployed and those outside the workforce to support the well-being and healthy lifestyles of their clients.

More informatin:
Timo Reinikainen

In the project, new ways of hobbies are tested and brainstormed together with young people and the community manager hired for the project, in the meeting place implemented in Kisala. Additionally, the project develops the principles of creating a safer space for MäVille.

Together with young people and other stakeholders. At the same time, collaboration with other organizations reaching out to youth in the area is strengthened.

More information:
Anna Riittinen

The Jelppis project supports organizations in South Savo in applying for impactful citizen inditiated ESF+ projects.

In South Savo, the application periods for citizen-initiated development are January 15th to February 23rd, 2024, March 1st to May 10th, 2024, and June 17th to September 27th, 2024.

If your organization needs more information about citizen-initiated ESF+ projects or assistance in project ideation, you can contact us directly. We are happy to provide you with more information and brainstorm your project ideas with you. You will also receive information from us about upcoming project calls, the focus areas of the project calls, and other citizen-initiated projects in the area.

You can also join our project’s mailing list. By doing so, you will regularly receive information via email about, among other things, project calls in the South Savo area, updates on citizen-initiated projects in the area, and information about open training sessions.

The newsletters are in Finnish

Join the project’s mailing list

Welcome to the project’s mailing list! By joining, you will regularly receive information via email about, among other things, project calls in the South Savo area, updates on citizen-initiated projects in the area, and information about open training sessions.

The newsletters are in Finnish


Project name:

Jelppis – osaamista ja tukea hankekehittämiseen

Project duration: 1.4.2023–31.5.2025


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Area of strength: Sustainable wellbeing
Competence edge: Equality and empowerment of youth
Research unit: Juvenia


Financier and main source of funding: South Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment from the European Social Fund
Total budget: 249 201