Integration of efficient downstreaM PRocessEs for Sugars and Sugar alcohols
The project is finished.
IMPRESS – New hybrid biorefinery process to produce sustainable chemicals
IMPRESS (Integration of efficient downstreaM PRocessEs for Sugars and Sugar alcohols) project aims to develop a new hybrid biorefinery concept, that converts non-edible plant-based material into sustainable chemicals and materials.
The biorefinery concept is based on efficient integration of two innovative processes. The key conversion processes are Dawn Technology™ and Ray Technology™, developed by the lead partner of IMPRESS consortium.
The aim of the project is to develop a concept that combines these processes in the demonstration phase efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way. For the manufacture of renewable chemicals and materials, it is essential that the biorefinery process used for pretreatment should be able to utilise a wide range of raw materials and take advantage of the streams generated from them as far as possible. In addition, the products generated by the process must be as clean as possible. The IMPRESS project brings together a number of leading European companies and development organisations in the field, with the aim of utilising their expertise in various purification and separation methods, conceptual process design (CPD) and life cycle analysis (LCA).
The project actions are divided into seven working packages. Xamk is responsible for disseminating the results of the project through an e-learning platform to future professionals. In addition, Xamk is responsible for managing communication and dissemination of the entire project.
The IMPRESS project is structured around seven Work Packages (WP):
WP 1: Intensification of the IMPRESS upstream technology (Dawn Technology™)
WP 2: Integration of the glycols downstream processing (Ray Technology™)
WP 3: Valorisation of mixed sugar (C5/C6) and lignin streams
WP 4: Conceptual Process Design
WP 5: Life Cycle Analysis
WP 6: Dissemination, communication, education and exploitation
WP7 : Management
The project results in the IMPRESS concept, which produces renewable chemicals in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner. The results of the project will be disseminated to the new generation of workers through the electronic teaching model (e-learning platform) created in the project.
IMPRESS interactive infographic
Everything you should know about the IMPRESS project! Click on the image to see a larger version and to explore multiple levels of information. IMPRESS in a nutshell, please have a look:

IMPRESS – Integration of efficient downstreaM PRocessEs for Sugars and Sugar alcohols

More information
Noora Haatanen
Project manager
+358 40 574 8356