Co-funded by the EU Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Ilmastovastuullisen ympäristörakentamisen osaamismiljööt - hankekuva

Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures

Ilmastovastuullisen ympäristörakentamisen osaamismiljööt

The learning environment model provides a platform for cooperation in education from vocational education to higher education and enables development work that takes place in urban environments throughout Kymenlaakso region.

Learning environments increase ecodesign expertise and sustainable solutions for construction.

Learning environments support the utilisation of alternative biomaterials.

Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures

The aim of the Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures -project is to increase the utilisation of ecodesign expertise and to make available new employment opportunities for people at risk of unemployment in the peat sector, related sectors and
restructuring industries, while promoting business development in the climate-responsible environmental construction business area.

Increased expertise in design thinking and climate-responsible environmental construction supports business preconditions for green transition.

The project utilises design thinking (planetary design, service design, strategic design) and increases expertise in the use of climate responsible locally produced raw materials, as well as further develops ways and uses of their utilisation, with the aim of increasing business opportunities not only in construction, but also in the production and processing of biomaterial raw materials. The environmental construction solutions promoted in the project support the strengthening of the expertise and
commercialisation of climate-responsible solutions based on the utilisation of locally produced plant-based biomass in Kymenlaakso.

The main measures of the project

The project is divided into the following four work packages:

WP 1: Compilation of skills needs and responding to them.

WP 2: Training of professionals at different levels of education.

WP 3: Learning environment, study path and employment model development.

WP 4: Implementation of best practices. Networks and communication.


Project name:

Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures – Ilmastovastuullisen ympäristörakentamisen osaamismiljööt

Project duration: 1.3.2024–30.6.2026


Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy)
Partial partners: Kouvolan Ammattiopisto Oy, Kotkan-Haminan seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä
Focus area: Digital economy
Research centre: Creative industries
Impact goal: Environment and sustainability


Financier and main source of funding: Co-funded by the European Union: The Just Transition Fund (JTF): Häme Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Total budget: 448 959 €
EU part of the total budget: 359 167 €
Xamk part of the total budget: 197 212 €
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Matti Kantoniemi
Project Manager
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Tiiu Leirimaa
RDI Specialist
Robotiikan ja energia- ja rakennustekniikan koul.y
Vertti Vallenius
Senior Lecturer

Project partners