HUIMA – New Circular Innovations and Possibilities in Regional Development
The project HUIMA promotes sustainable growth and renewal of SMEs in Kymenlaakso by strengthening ecosystem around Hyötyvirta and supporting regional RDI activities and networking in Kymenlaakso.
Project HUIMA
The project develops and launches a business-oriented model for the organisation of Hyötyvirta ecosystem and clarifies the focus of operations on the basis of the area’s material balance and potential material flows. In addition, the project promotes novel product and service concepts, elaborates the RDI service concept of Xamk – South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences in Hyötyvirta and studies how the Hyötyvirta land area enables new business operations and links to the wider regional ecosystem of Kymenlaakso.
What will be done during the project?
The lead partner of the project is Kouvola Innovation Oy (Kinno), ja Xamk is the xxx partner. The main goal of the xx project of Xamk is to
- Prepare the material flow review, by gathering data from different databases
- Carry out demonstrations related to circular economy based products
- Elaborate the RDI service concept of Research Centre for bio and circular economy BioSampo
The material flow review is being prepared. Data from YLVA and the cities of Kymenlaakso region has being gathered.
The data was gathered from the businesses and their wastes and side streams located in the region of Kymenlaakso (Kouvola, Kotka, Hamina, Pyhtää, Miehikkälä, Virolahti).

(In Finnish) Hyötyvirta-alueelle uutta liiketoimintaa (Huurtomaa S. ja Menard, P.) Teoksessa: Metsä, ympäristö ja energia. Soveltavaa tutkimusta ja tuotekehitystä. Vuosijulkaisu 2023. Toim. Soininen, H., Haatanen, N. & Pulkkinen, L. Xamk Kehittää 227. s. 298-305.
HUIMA – New Circular Innovations and Possibilities in Regional Development
Project partners