House of Experiences

The House of Experiences researched, experimented and developed various virtual spaces and related experiences from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2023. 

The restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have produced insurmountable challenges, especially in sectors whose business is based on both physical presence and interaction, and the scalability of customers in large local facilities. In the House of Experiences project, virtual spaces are used to develop a new sustainable business, especially for the changed needs of SMEs in the tourism, restaurant, event, and creative industries. 

In a joint project of four universities of applied sciences 

  • Virtual, social, and physical factors affecting the spatial experience of end users and customers were studied. 
  • Based on these, business opportunities and growth challenges in the tourism, restaurant and event and creative sectors were studied and anticipated. 
  • Research-based virtual and hybrid spaces and business models were jointly developed. 
  • We were also looking for sustainable solutions for empty, underutilized, or physical spaces whose purpose has changed due to the pandemic. 

In the project Xamk focused on testing the possibilities of virtual interaction, games and digital art in the development of spatial experience. In addition, we mapped the public’s experiences with virtual spaces and services and developed a mobile technology space. 

The House of Experiences project was funded by REACT-EU funding as part of the measures implemented by the European Union due to the covid-19 pandemic.